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单词 ponce
释义  ponce1 /pɒns $ pɑːns/ noun [countable] British English informal  1. UNPLEASANT taboo an offensive word for a man who dresses or behaves in a way that is typical of women or who people think is a homosexual. Do not use this word. 娘娘腔的男人,女人气的男人2. a pimp 拉皮条的男子,淫媒ponce2 verb  1 ponce about/around phrasal verb British English informal SPEND TIMEto waste time doing silly things 瞎混,闲逛,游手好闲 He’s been poncing about all day. 他一整天都无所事事。→ See Verb tableponce1 nounponce2 verbChinese   Corpus for a word offensive man an




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