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单词 pocket handkerchief
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashionˌpocket ˈhandkerchief noun [countable] old-fashioned  DCa handkerchief 手帕Examples from the Corpuspocket handkerchief• The only dab of colour was a dark blue pocket handkerchief.• With his pocket handkerchief the Major wiped the window pane.• With a large pocket handkerchief he wiped the perspiration from his forehead; it was getting hot.• Finding her own pocket handkerchief, she gave it into the old lady's other hand.ˌpocket-ˈhandkerchief adjective [only before noun] British English informal  SMALLa pocket-handkerchief garden or area of land is very small and usually square 〔花园或地方〕小而方的ˌpocket ˈhandkerchief nounˌpocket-ˈhandkerchief adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus handkerchief a




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