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单词 Rejection
1, He has never suffered the torment of rejection.
2, Constant rejection has sapped her will.
3, Children who have had bad experiences fear rejection.
4, What are the reasons for his rejection of the theory?
5, This is a rejection of most of what has gone before.
6, Women tend to personalise rejection more than men.
7, The rejection was a wicked blow to her pride.
8, These feelings of rejection and hurt remain.
9, Her proposal met with unanimous rejection.
10, Strong opposition resulted in rejection of the bill.
11, Harry took his rejection philosophically.
12, News of another job rejection disheartened her badly.
13, Your trouble is that you can't take rejection.
14, The last job rejection disappointed me badly.
15, Violent behaviour and rejection by society are mutually reinforcing.
16, I've had job interviews and received ten rejection letters.
17, Her rejection dashed and humiliated him.
18, They sent me a rejection letter.
19, Jane still nurses the pain of rejection.
20, Their rejection of these measures roused the people to indignation.
21, The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.
22, He was left with a feeling of rejection and loss.
23, He got over fifty rejection slips before his novel was published.
24, The rejection plunged her into the dark depths of despair.
25, This feeling of rejection is often deeply rooted in childhood.
26, The government's rejection of the plans is a setback for us.
27, The rejection of such initiatives indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment.
28, He never asked her to marry him out of fear of rejection.
29, He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection.
30, His life was a sorry story of betrayal and rejection.
1, He has never suffered the torment of rejection.
2, Constant rejection has sapped her will.
3, Children who have had bad experiences fear rejection.
4, What are the reasons for his rejection of the theory?
5, This is a rejection of most of what has gone before.
6, Harry took his rejection philosophically.
7, Violent behaviour and rejection by society are mutually reinforcing.
8, Their rejection of these measures roused the people to indignation.
9, The rejection plunged her into the dark depths of despair.
10, He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection.
11, It takes a very buoyant personality to cope with constant rejection.
31, The minister has issued an emphatic rejection of the accusation.
32, Her rejection of him seems to have made him go back into his shell.
33, I've applied for ten jobs, but all I've got is rejections/rejection letters.
34, A curt note of rejection arrived from the company director.
35, It takes a very buoyant personality to cope with constant rejection.
36, Try to look on your rejection as a positive thing.
37, Probably the most frequently used rejection is total silence.
38, Miranda was puzzled and humiliated by Adam's rejection.
39, Its rejection is less significant than its proposal.
40, The bruising rejection might have crushed another playwright.
41, His rejection by Miss Bedwelty was unkind.
42, Discipleship can involve suffering,(http:///rejection.html) rejection and death.
43, He faced rejection after rejection before finding a job.
44, After all, rejection was nothing new to me.
45, Street pickups were delicate courting dances, comprising a complex interplay of attraction and feared rejection.
46, Leaving behind low living standards and poor conditions in work and study seems more like rejection than adaptation.
47, For them this change required a rejection of previously held social and political commitments.
48, This can lead to fervent acceptance or rejection uninformed by understanding, the imposition of one mode of thinking on another.
49, Wherever pentecostalism goes it evokes both joy and anger, gratitude and rejection, polemic 77 and schism.
50, On 17 March the rejection by the Commission for Racial Equality of the case brought against the school was reported.
51, Their long-term destiny lies in united working class action and the rejection of other forms of understanding.
52, This shows a decline from their levels of support in the 1980s, but hardly counts as a rejection by the electorate.
53, It was originally reviled, as the artists intended, for its rejection of conventional values of art and society.
54, Then a rejection letter arrived from Streatham branch - because he wasn't a union member.
55, But an irritating and inopportune appearance of honour made him hesitate to benefit from her rejection by Alfred at least for tonight.
56, John Major's rejection of the policies and principles held by his political predecessor has been much more gradual.
57, A communicative approach, properly conceived, does not involve the rejection of grammar.
58, The reasons they switched their allegiance included anxiety about globalisation, a rejection of political corruption and fear of immigration.
59, The rejection meant our daughter was already on life's scrapheap.
60, What the Department will do now following Mr Davis' rejection of their decision remains to be seen.
61, The screwed up remains of another airline's rejection letter lay on the bar next to her cigarettes.
62, This will involve the sending of rejection letters or invitations to interview detailing time, place and other arrangements.
63, There must be some way she could make an approach without incurring too great a risk of rejection.
64, The confidence he had gained from having a loving wife was being undermined by a feeling of rejection from the public.
65, The ascetic modernists' rejection of history in order to create a visionary brave New World was clearly incompatible with the historic pub.
66, A caution was previously made regarding the rejection of psychological theories on emotional grounds.
67, Much that appears as rejection of the legitimacy of the state is in fact quite the reverse.
68, Heads responded to advisory views of good practice in different ways, ranging from unthinking conformity to outright rejection.
69, I felt full of life and my commitment to activism was, for me, a rejection of death.
70, The committee based its rejection on a procedural rule for filing amendments.
71, Their long battle of need and rejection had finally come to a head.
71, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
72, As it turned out, this rejection of Hopper's advances was the wisest career move Nicholson ever made.
73, They learn how to deal with the public, tally orders, handle money and cope with rejection.
74, The basis for the rejection was the section of the immigration laws barring people affiliated with the Communist Party.
75, The picture of the rejection of femininity is thus brought into sharper focus.
76, But, as in these early years, what followed rejection was a deeper determination to move on and continue.
77, Hiving off frail people to a fourth age is a rejection.
78, In formulating and testing hypotheses, method makes the decision rules and the rejection of rival hypotheses explicit.
79, A major departure from his original vision was the rejection of a seven year course - but other concepts were accepted.
80, This rejection of a distant headquarters and enhancement of their own special identity occurred some seven years after the last amalgamation.
81, While advancing all these arguments, Commander Miyo nevertheless refrained from voicing a flat rejection of the Combined Fleet plan.
82, That too is a product of the hatred, but in a slightly different form from mere rejection.
83, The tests reported in table 3.1 may be insufficiently powerful to allow rejection.
84, It was a salutary lesson for me on risking rejection and on my perceived notions of status.
85, He also has the responsibility of deciding the appropriate action for changes where rejection would be contentious.
86, Morality does not depend on our acceptance or rejection of Darwinism, either as biology or as metaphysics.
87, And since that movement, that rejection, Alix had felt her own desire diminish.
88, Whatever happened, she wouldn't let her determination waver over the rejection of the abominable Draper.
89, Of course he leaves her, apparently unmoved by his rejection.
90, Forlorn figures with their boots under their arms wondering how to tell their family and friends their news of rejection.
91, Acceptance of this position involves rejection of the view that the end justifies the means.
92, Local defiance of central government policies and rejection of its ultimate authority overturned traditional conventions of central-local relations.
93, I tugged the ribbon and lifted the lid and heard myself give a harsh shout of anger and rejection and probably shame.
94, In the search for approval, praise is everything, and when others omit to praise us we interpret this as rejection.
95, Indeed, it is one; but it scarcely shows any principled rejection of all government.
96, This rejection fear compounds the anxiety that others are preferred and also maybe preferable-the root of sibling rivalry.
97, But this conclusion should lead us to an accommodation between dualism and monism rather than the rejection of one in favour of the other.
98, Sacrifice does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious. Ayn Rand 
99, Science abounds with examples of the rejection of observation statements and the retention of the theories with which they clash.
100, Its rejection led to a series of industrial strikes, demonstrations, and repressive measures by the Government.
101, Her peer group was struggling with the male menopause, of course,(/rejection.html) but the sting of rejection had been no less sharp.
102, Acceptance of criticism leads to high standards, rejection of substandard performance.
103, The orange river picked up the rejection letter and open cigarette packet in its path and floated them over on to X's lap.
104, I have already noted his rejection of utilitarianism as an interpretation of the aim and purpose of life.
105, In this respect Hirschi shared the long-standing positivist rejection of the central tenet of classicism: deterrence.
106, Their ability to shock was based on a calculated rejection of exhausted artistic values.
107, One solution might be to use organs from other species, if the problem of rejection can be overcome.
108, But no, on second thoughts, she decided he was unlikely to lay himself open to further rejection.
109, Compared to his adulthood of sadism, cruelty and murder, his childhood of abuse and rejection looks benign.
110, The rejection of the newly mobile toddler may be accentuated if another baby is born at this time.
111, Some at the grass roots feared that it was a rejection of traditional Puritan virtues.
112, My rejection of death was less a denial than a postponement of the recognition of its ultimate reality.
113, Such a position is not just a correction of Kant but a fundamental rejection in favor of another and more adequate criterion.
114, Community rejection of gangs is a powerful weapon against them.
115, They can be touchy and hypersensitive to rejection, and their social skills are, as yet, underdeveloped.
116, Feminists are also realizing that a rejection of biology can, paradoxically, increase the influence of biological determinism.
117, He would not regard these acts as a rejection of the fundamental principle of ahi.
118, I got a rejection from Harvard, but I'm still waiting to hear from UCLA.
119, This resentment of others' rejection of our kind of talk is found in speech communities everywhere.
120, The equity department weathered not only rough seas but rejection as well.
121, Petitions may be either for the outright rejection of the order or its amendment.
122, I think a rejection of their bid at this stage is unlikely.
123, It is equally important to note that the change in attitude and technological progress should not imply the rejection of exogenous technology.
124, Depressed by his rejection, Ursula went back into the kitchen and began to lay the table.
125, Eugenie's rejection of Vincent had a profound impact on his work.
126, The executive is recommending rejection of a motion calling for unilateral disarmament.
127, It may consist in a rejection of the specific schemes or lines of evolution propounded by nineteenth-century authors.
128, His decision to send her away from her home and brother into an alien world was interpreted as rejection.
129, Sometimes the rejection and rebellion was expressed in a major way through strikes, work stoppages, and slowdowns.
130, This, as we have seen, is a rejection of the basic principles of the international humanitarian law of armed conflict.
131, Stuart put forward this compromise suggestion with full confidence(), and was surprised by its rejection by the rest of the quorum.
132, She just completely lost her nerve and was too afraid to tell him for fear of rejection.
133, But the peculiar expressions of the constitution of the United States furnish additional arguments in favour of its rejection.
134, Her story was sent back with a curt rejection note.
135, Wright exacted the full price for rejection when he scored twice in Boro's recent 4-1 hammering of Leeds.
136, Their customers often come to them under considerable stress, dependent, short of money, embarrassed and afraid of rejection.
137, In adulthood, he may over-react to rejection from peers - a rebuff from some one he hoped to date perhaps.
138, As long as they take that rejection seriously, and continue to shriek their desolation, they are not diminished by it.
139, Neither rejection, protest nor availability prepares us for the demands which celibacy is making on us nowadays.
140, As Kate was terrified of rejection, she never had an honest relationship with a lover.
141, To many, these theoretical accounts are mutually exclusive alternatives, with acceptance of either one requiring the rejection of the other.
142, Even when women find the man unappealing, they do not send clear rejection signals to begin with, the researchers found.
143, It hardly needs to be said that there is also a total rejection of moral principles.
144, This feeling of rejection is often deeply rooted in our childhood.
145, Some councils therefore still insist on every committee decision being referred to the full council for confirmation or rejection.
146, The biological corollary of this is that blocking antibodies against ICAM-1 have been shown effectively to prevent allograft rejection.
147, She did not feel she could turn down such charity without proof of the necessary conditions of rejection.
148, It may involve a rejection of the idea of evolution altogether.
149, Sometimes she began to question her outright rejection of her parents' values.
150, Patois was a success for the group in so far as they used it succinctly to communicate rejection of authority.
151, Of course, you always risk rejection when you first ask someone out.
152, Parents and teachers note that work-inhibited children often play with younger children, thereby reducing the risk of defeat or rejection.
153, The pressure on the welders would have involved a very high rejection rate - a problem overcome by robot welding.
154, Everyone he had shown it to had described it as brilliant, and by all accounts it was; rejection hurt.
155, His loss remained-to confirm my rejection of patriotism and war over which we had argued often during his brief career.
156, The rejection of the proletarianization theory for clerical workers by Marshall etal. must, however, be regarded with some caution.
157, His anger at her rejection was the vicious, righteous anger of one who felt betrayed.
158, Public and congressional rejection of the market-oriented model was at the heart of a 48-hour national strike.
159, His achievement of only 7 percent of the vote was widely seen as a decisive rejection of his racially oriented campaign.
160, This is very important for it can decide acceptance or rejection by universities and other higher education establishments.
161, It may be suggested that there is an element of rejection in being referred.
161, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
162, Without this dynamic process, tradition stagnates into a fixation of habit, traditionalism, bringing about its death or rejection.
163, The Court also ignored our members' total rejection of any question of Performance Related Pay.
164, On day 6 the ileostomy became dusky red and biopsy revealed early cellular rejection without loss of epithelium.
165, Rejection of fast-track by Congress would be a stunning victory for organized labor and environmentalists, who vigorously opposed the legislation.
166, If payment of your salary continues until the date of final rejection, that date is likely to be the termination date.
167, Did the taunts and rejection of women make him evil or was it just a part of his makeup?
168, However, strong opposition resulted in rejection of this Bill despite his excellent testimony as an expert witness.
169, Constantly putting yourself up for rejection just because you're grown-up now won't help your self-esteem.
170, A gunman shot seven people in a fury over rejection by his girlfriend.
171, Fast SMS rejection of incoming call.
172, However, governing capacity is a dynamic variable. It is subject to nature, international impact, domestic acceptance or rejection, and factors arising from the Party itself.
173, So subtlety is out and it's back to the age-old problem for both men and women: who has the guts to risk rejection with the direct approach?
174, Their immune systems are artificially suppressed, to minimise the chance of rejection.
175, Objective To investigate the rejection mechanism of bon e xenografts by comparing the immunoreaction of fresh bone xenografts with that of fresh bone allografts.
176, The experiments show that the false rejection rate and false acceptance rate are decreased obviously.
177, A strict constitutionalist, he wasalso more consistent than the rest of them in his rejection of debts, deficitsand runaway government spending.
178, But it also presents a major clinical obstacle, leading to rejection of genetically mismatched organ transplants.
179, They marked their rejection of traditional politics with a friendly open primary in which 1.6m people voted.
180, The rejection of the Jewish theme meant the rejection of everything that gave the script passion and life.
181, The differential analog voltage input allows increasing the common-mode rejection and offsetting the analog zero input voltage value.
182, Active Disturbance Rejection Control ( ADRC ) is designed for uncertain systems with input and state delays.
183, Background Endomyocardial biopsy is the standard method of monitoring for rejection in recipients a cardiac transplant.
184, Load rejection testing of turbogenerators using dynamometry method gives a calculated value of speed rise higher than the measured value in the equivalent routine testing.
185, He thought that the Army's arbitrary rejection of the people was unwarranted.
186, She was afraid of the trauma her mother's rejection of Carman might cause the little girl.
187, This did not, however, entail a wholesale rejection of her female identity.
188, Orwell's revulsion against imperialism led not only to his personal rejection of the bourgeois life-style but to a political reorientation as well.
189, The experimental research of the separation of chromium aqueous solution by VMD technology, especially the effects of operation conditions on membrane flux and chromium rejection.
190, Examining the expression of co- stimulatory molecules on peripheral blood cells is helpful to the diagnosis of rejection in clinic.
191, While with the filterless structure of image rejection can improve the intensity of the intergrated circuit, it can greatly improve the integration of circuit and solve the relevant problems.
192, Any out - of - adjustment pins can be reason for casting rejection.
193, The power supply noise rejection (PSR) in frequency domain of the proposed circuit is discussed.
194, Later, American literature came to Transcendentalism Period which emphasized individualism, self - reliance and rejection of tradition authority.
195, This restoration included the rejection of oaths and capital punishment and the abstention from the exercise of magistracy .
195, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
196, It decreases not only the consumption of primary energy for heating the living water but also the calefaction to the surroundings due to the rejection of heat from air conditioning systems.
197, Normal Mode Rejection Ratio. The ability of an instrument to reject an AC interference (usually of line frequency) across its input terminals. Usually expressed in decibels at a frequency.
198, Unabashed by his rejection, Mr. Collins proposes again, but finally concedes defeat.
199, The principal mechanism underlying the acute rejection is the vigorous adaptive immune response against allogeneic antigen.
200, All SG - iron castings that fail to conform to this specification shall be subject to rejection.
201, Early subclinical rejection was diagnosed 3 after the transplantation by color Doppler examination.
202, Owing to patent application case, the majority reason for rejection is non- obviousness . For this reason, we need make more farther study.
203, The rejection rate of our products this month is zero.
204, This paper deals with theoretical and practical problems concerning the design of the common mode rejection performance in the isolated computer-controlled multichannel ECG systems.
205, To improve tracking and disturbance rejection properties, the input state and input output feedback linearization methods are used to design the control laws of a boiler turbine system.
206, Rejection of any one as monthly fee user shall come with no explanation.




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