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单词 pliant
释义  pli·ant /ˈplaɪənt/ adjective  1  soft and moving easily in the way that you want 绵软的;柔顺的 Isabel was pliant in his arms. 伊莎贝尔温顺地依偎在他怀中。 her pliant lips 她温软的嘴唇2  BENDeasily influenced and controlled by other people 温顺的;容易摆布的 Pliant judges have been a problem in the past. 法官没有主见,这在过去一直是个问题。 —pliantly adverb —pliancy noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuspliant• Their skin feels like day-after-death skin, cold and hard though still faintly pliant.• The joints of his limbs were so pliant and flexible that he seemed much more like one asleep than dead.• Women were the first, the most expendable, the most pliant, and the easiest victims.• She sat rigidly, shaking, incapable of anything other than being there, pliant in his hands.• Limbs pliant, reason suspended, she lay in a universe where nothing mattered except that he should not stop.• You feel the grit in the clay, the slick surface of the glass, the pliant rubber.• Mr Gorbachev has three instruments that, he hopes, will make the press more pliant while falling short of complete censorship.Origin pliant (1300-1400) Old French present participle of plier; → PLIERSpli·ant adjectiveChineseSyllable  and easily soft moving way that in the Corpus




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