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单词 plane
释义  Related topics: Air, Tools, Plants, Mathsldoce_262_eplane1 /pleɪn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  aircraft 飞机TTA a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine 飞机 It is a big airline with a large fleet of planes. 这是一家大航空公司,拥有庞大的机群。 It’s much quicker to go by plane. 乘飞机去会快很多。 She slept on the plane. 她在飞机上睡着了。 →5  See picture of tail 尾部, fuselage 机身, rudder 方向舵 ...2  level 水平LEVEL a level or standard of thought, conversation etc 〔思想、谈话等的〕水平,程度;标准 The two newspapers are on completely different intellectual planes. 两份报纸的文化层次完全不同。3. tool 工具TZ a tool that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it, used for making wooden surfaces smooth 刨子,平刨4. tree 树HBP a plane tree 悬铃木5. surface 表面 technicalHM a completely flat surface in geometry 〔几何学中的〕平面n GRAMMAR: Patterns with plane• You usually say get on a plane: I got on a plane at 6.15 and arrived in Chicago at 10. • You can also say get in a plane: Everyone got in the plane and found their seats.• You usually say get off a plane: We were tired when we got off the plane. ‘Get out of’ is much less common. • You usually say that someone is on a plane: Take something to read on the plane.• You can also say they are in a plane: Have you ever flown in a plane?• You go somewhere by plane: It takes five hours by rail or an hour by plane. • Say go by plane or just fly. ✗Don’t say: fly by plane  COLLOCATIONSverbscatch/take a plane 赶/乘飞机She caught the first plane back to New York. 她赶上了回纽约的第一班飞机。get on a plane (also board a plane) 登机We got on the plane and found our seats. 我们登上飞机,找到了自己的座位。a plane takes off (=goes into the air) 飞机起飞The flight attendants served drinks shortly after the plane took off. 飞机起飞后不久,客机乘务员开始向旅客提供饮料。a plane lands (=moves safely down onto the ground) 飞机着陆Because of the fog, our plane had to land at Luton. 因为有雾,我们的飞机只好降落卢顿机场。a plane touches down (=lands safely on the ground) 飞机安全着陆As soon as the plane touched down on the runway, I felt better. 飞机一降落到跑道上,我就感觉好些了。a plane flies 飞机飞行nSeveral planes flew plane taxies (=moves slowly along on the ground)The plane taxied to a halt.a plane crashes 飞机失事nTheir plane crashed shortly after take-off.a plane crash-lands (=lands in a sudden and dangerous way because of a problem) 飞机强行着陆nTheir small plane crash-landed on a busy motorway plane carries passengersA plane carrying 10 civilians was shot a plane 驾驶飞机nI admire the guys who flew those a plane (=bring it safely down onto the ground) 驾驶飞机安全着陆nThe pilot managed to land the plane safely on the beach.bring a plane down (=land it) 驾机着陆nHe ran out of fuel and had to bring the plane down on a road leading to the village.get off a plane 下飞机nWould he ever see her again after they got off the plane?nshoot down a planeThe guerrillas shot down an Israeli fighter plane.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + planea private plane 私人飞机He flew to Vegas in his private plane. 他乘坐自己的私人飞机去拉斯维加斯。a cargo plane (=for carrying goods) 货机,运输机ncargo planes carrying emergency supplies for victims of the earthquakea transport plane (=for carrying military equipment and soldiers) 运输机nHeavily-laden transport planes can only land if there is a long runway.a military plane 军用飞机nAir Force jets intercepted two military planes that had entered the no-fly zone.a fighter plane (=a small fast military plane) 战斗机nfighter planes from the Second World Wara spy plane 侦察机nAn unmanned US spy plane had been shot down.plane + NOUNa plane crash 飞机失事Over 200 people died in the plane crash. 有两百多人在飞机失事中丧生。5COMMON ERRORS 常见错误 ► Don’t say 'fly by plane'. Say go by plane or just fly . 不要说 'fly by plane'. 而要说 go by plane 或只说 fly .n THESAURUSplane (also aeroplane British English), airplane American English a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engineThe plane took off from John F Kennedy airport.a passenger plane carrying over 300 peopleaircraft a plane or other vehicle that can fly. Aircraft sounds more formal than planeSmoking is not allowed on board the aircraft.He was trained to fly military aircraft.jet a fast plane with a jet engineShe owns a private jet.airliner a large plane that carries peoplea commercial airlinermilitary planesbomber a plane that carries and drops bombsThe town was attacked by US and British bombers. fighter (plane) a small fast military plane that can destroy other planesThe plane was shot down by enemy fighters.He was a fighter pilot during the war.warplane a military plane that is used for fighting in the air or for dropping bombsThe area had been bombed by US warplanes.people on a planepilot someone who operates the controls of a planean airline pilotHe has a pilot’s a pilot who shares the control of a plane with the main pilotThe pilot became ill, and the co-pilot had to land the plane.captain the pilot who is in charge of an aircraftThis is your captain speaking. We will be arriving at Gatwick Airport in approximately 10 minutes. the flight crew all the people who work on a plane during a flight The flight crew asked for permission to land at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. the cabin crew the people whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a planeThe cabin crew will be serving drinks shortly.flight attendant someone whose job is to serve food and drink to passengers on a planeThe flight attendant told him to go back to his seat. steward/stewardess a man/woman whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a planeI asked the stewardess if I could have a blanket.Examples from the Corpusplane• That day also, Bert Hall shot down a plane and was wounded.• It's quicker to go by plane.• Let's try to keep the discussion on a friendly plane.• To simplify the figure, its effect is shown on a projection of the cusp on to a horizontal plane.• Their vast horizontal planes of activity could then provide a substitute horizon.• It has nothing to do with that plane you are still thinking about.on the plane• Back on the plane, now headed for Honolulu, I thought about my journey.• And the thing is, that Barry doesn't really want to get on the plane until it's all sorted out.• Such passages recorded a life lived on the plane of momentous public events; life as history.• If the moment is before a lunch on the plane, it really ought to be a Bloody Mary.• He did not sleep much on the plane.• She wasn't on the plane and West Mercia fraud squad have asked Interpol to investigate.• We were on the plane for more than ten hours.Related topics: Industryplane2 verb [transitive]  TIif you plane a piece of wood, you make it smoother or smaller, using a plane 用刨子刨平 He planed the edge of the door. 他将门的边缘刨平整。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusplane• Mark then spent a week on the waterfront carefully planing down the telegraph poles to the right shape.• Seagulls swooped and planed overhead laying raucous claim to some scrap of food in the possession of one of them.• Joints have to fit exactly and surfaces are planed to the millimetre or the defects are painfully audible.plane3 adjective [only before noun]  technicalFLAT completely flat and smooth 平的,平面的 a plane surface 平面Origin plane1 1. (1900-2000) aeroplane2. (1600-1700) Latin planum, from planus; → PLAIN13. (1300-1400) Old French Late Latin plana, from planare; → PLANE24. (1300-1400) French Latin platanus plane2 (1300-1400) French planer, from Late Latin planare, from Latin planus; → PLAIN1 plane3 (1500-1600) Latin planus; → PLAIN1plane1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1plane2 verbplane3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  the flies in air vehicle a Corpus that




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