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单词 pinhole
释义  pin·hole /ˈpɪnhəʊl $ -hoʊl/ noun [countable]  a very small hole in something, especially one made by a pin 针刺的孔;针孔Examples from the Corpuspinhole• My lungs pull for the thick plastic air like getting it through a pinhole.• Now, if you make a cup very deep and turn the sides over, you eventually make a lensless pinhole camera.• This is pumped around the system and is effective at sealing pinhole leaks.• All I ever saw was the apples with little sharp pinholes in them.• The outline is punched with small pinholes using a sewing tracing wheel.• It was a cold morning, and a thin jet of steam rose from the pinhole vent on the coffee cup lid.• She uses only the pinhole camera or, as it was known in pre-photographic times, the cameraobscura.• The enchanted house builder was not the first person to notice this pinhole·hole nounChineseSyllable   Corpus very something, one small hole especially in a




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