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单词 pimple
释义  pim·ple /ˈpɪmpəl/ noun [countable]  MIa small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face 〔尤指长在脸上的〕丘疹,小脓包,粉刺 —pimply adjective a pimply 18-year-old 满脸粉刺的18岁年轻人 → goose pimplesExamples from the Corpuspimple• The place was Podunk City, a pimple of yawns on a bare white butt.• Some one screamed, a high shrill piercing noise that caused her to break out in goose pimples.• I was six years old - it gave me goose pimples.• That set our teeth on edge and bring our goose pimples rising like porpoises after mackerel.• The bowl was covered in pimples.• His voice was changing, and there was an inflamed red pimple beside his nose.• He had a large red pimple on his nose.• Was there a volcanic pimple on the end of my nose?pim·ple nounChineseSyllable  small especially on red spot raised on your your skin, a Corpus




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