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单词 pile
释义  Related topics: Material & textiles, Civilldoce_260_epile1 /paɪl/ ●●● S2 noun  1  arrangement of things 物品的归置 [countable] a group of several things of the same type that are put on top of each other 堆; 叠;摞 SYN stackpile of His mother came in carrying a pile of ironing in her arms. 他母亲手里抱着一叠熨好的衣物进来了。 Flora shuffled through a pile of magazines. 弗洛拉胡乱地翻看一摞杂志。put something in/into a pile She tidied up the books and put them in neat piles. 她把书本整理好,并一摞摞地码放整齐。 He balanced the plate on the top of a pile of books. 他把盘子在一摞书上放稳。 →5  See picture of a heap of clothes 一堆衣服, a stack of magazines 一叠杂志, a wad of notes BrE【英】/bills AmE【美】一沓钞票 ... →4  See picture of 见图 BUNDLE 12  large amount 大量 [countable] a large amount of something arranged in a shape that looks like a small hill 一大堆pile of piles of melting snow 一堆堆正在融化的雪 All that remained of the old house was a pile of rubble. 那所老房子只剩下一堆瓦砾。 Sophie stooped to throw another branch on the pile. 索菲弯腰往柴火堆上又扔了一根树枝。 He began to sweep the pieces of glass into a pile. 他动手把碎玻璃片扫成一堆。3  a pile of something  (also piles of something) informalLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT a lot of something 一大堆某物,大量某物 We’ve had piles of letters from viewers. 我们收到了大量的观众来信。 another pile of directives from the EU 又一堆来自欧盟的指示4  the bottom of the pile British EnglishUNIMPORTANT the weakest or least important position in a society or organization 处于社会 [组织]的底层 I soon discovered I was at the bottom of the pile in the office hierarchy. 我很快发现自己在办公室里处于最底层。 She always puts her own needs to the bottom of the pile. 她总是最后考虑自己的需求。5  the top of the pile British English the best or highest position in a society or organization 处于社会[组织]的顶层 It’s been 20 years since a British tennis player was at the top of the pile. 英国的网球运动员已经有20年没有位居榜首了。6  house 房屋 [countable] a very large old house 高大的旧建筑 They’ve just bought an 18th-century pile in Surrey. 他们刚刚在萨里郡买了一座建于18世纪的大宅。7  material 材料 [countable, uncountable]TIM the soft surface of short threads on a carpet or some types of cloth 〔地毯或某些布料上的〕绒面thick/deep pile Her feet sank into the thick pile of the rug. 她的双脚陷进厚厚的绒毯里。 a deep pile carpet 厚绒地毯 → nap1(2)8. post 柱,桩 [countable]TBCTEC technical a heavy wooden, stone, or metal post, used to support something heavy 柱,桩9  make a/your pile informalRICH to make a lot of money 赚很多钱,发财 He had made his pile in the wholesale business. 他做批发生意赚了大钱。10. piles [plural] painfully swollen blood vessels near a person’s anus 痔(疮)n THESAURUSpile a group of things of the same type that are put on top of each othera huge pile of cardboard boxesstack a neat pile of things of the same typeThere were stacks of books on the floor.heap a large messy pile of thingsAll his clothes were in a heap on the floor.mound a pile of something with a round shapea small mound of rice on the platemountain a very large pile of something with a round shapea mountain of dirty laundry waiting to be washedExamples from the Corpuspile• Soon, all that is left is a pile of bones.• a pile of dirty dishes• Her office is a terrible mess - there are piles of papers all over the floor.• Clare was having too much fun playing in the leaf pile to come inside.• The books were arranged in neat piles on her desk.• Put those letters on the other pile.• And judging by the prodigious pile of diatribes posted in the last year, a lot of folks are taking advantage.• a thick red pile carpet• Helen noticed a red rug, piles of books on the floor, white eyelet cafe curtains on the windows.• Greg carried the pile of ironed shirts upstairs.• He found himself in enormous buildings, with a labyrinth of rooms, and he was lost in the pile.• The folded laundry was separated into three piles.• I loved to pick through trash piles and collect empty bottles, tin cans with Pretty labels, and discarded magazines.• Can you separate those out into two piles - A to L and M to Z, please?• Eventually it carried out a more temporary repair, costing £500 000, which entailed replacing 30 of the 113 wooden piles.pile of• Piles of cans and bottles littered the ground.• a pile of bookssweep ... into ... pile• We watched the gardeners sweeping them into piles and the children swept up the leaves too.thick/deep pile• The situation is improved by adding velvet curtains, acoustic tiles and a thick pile carpet.• Collected under her hands they made a thick pile.• A deep pile in your living room!• A deep pile Raking ashes into a pile would then be automatically reinforced.• He lay back on his thick pile of cushions and chuckled.• On this occasion the officials thrown from the window managed to survive, since they landed in deep piles of castle refuse.• Her feet sank into the thick pile of the carpet.• She saw feet sinking into the thick pile of the new rugs whose abstract patterns evoked the work of contemporary artists.pile2 ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  [always + adverb/preposition]PUT to fill a place or container or cover a surface with a large amount of things 堆放;摞起pile something into/onto etc something He piled bread and milk into his basket. 他把面包和牛奶往篮子里堆。 Melissa piled spaghetti onto her plate. 梅利莎一个劲地往盘子里堆意大利面。be piled with something a chair piled with velvet cushions 堆满了天鹅绒靠垫的椅子 The room was piled high with boxes (=filled with a lot of boxes). 房间里高高地堆着一些箱子。2  (also pile up)PUT to arrange things in a pile 把…堆积[堆叠]起来 Ma stacked the cups and piled the plates. 妈妈把杯盘堆叠起来。pile something on/onto something She brushed her hair and piled it carefully on top of her head. 她梳好头发,仔细地盘在头顶。 PHRASAL VERBS3 pile in (also pile into something) phrasal verb FAST/QUICKif people pile in, they get into a vehicle very quickly 拥进,挤进,蜂拥进入 Pierre came to pick them up, and they all piled in. 皮埃尔开车来接他们,他们一拥而上。4 pile something ↔ on phrasal verb informal a) pile it on/pile on the dramaEXAGGERATE to talk about something in a way that makes it seem much worse than it really is 夸张;夸大其词 SYN exaggerate I know I’m piling it on a bit, but there is a serious point to be made. 我知道我有点夸张了,不过有一点很重要,我要提一提。b) pile on the pressure/agony to show that you are much better than your opponent in a game 施加强大的压力/盛气凌人 England piled on the pressure from the start. 英格兰队从一开始就显得咄咄逼人。c) pile on the pounds to gain a lot of body weight 体重剧增[猛增] She slimmed down a couple of years ago but has piled on the pounds again. 几年前她瘦下来过,不过现在体重又增加了不少。5 pile out phrasal verb LEAVE A PLACEif people pile out, they leave a place or get out of a vehicle quickly and in a disorganized way 挤出,蜂拥而出 Edward parked by the river and we all piled out. 爱德华把车停在河边,我们一哄而下。6 pile up phrasal verb a) INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETCto increase in quantity or amount, in a way that is difficult to manage (使)堆积,(使)积累 It wasn’t long before the debts were piling up. 没多久就债台高筑了。 The traffic starts piling up around this time. 差不多这个时候交通就开始拥堵了。 The work has a tendency to pile up if I’m not careful. 我一不注意工作就会积压起来。b) pile something ↔ up to arrange things in a pile 将〔某物〕堆积起来 tiny doughnuts piled up in a dish 堆放在盘子里的几个小甜甜圈 → pileup→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspile• He walked in and saw her sitting on the floor, piling books into a carton.• Mattie piled her plate with food.• He piled his dirty laundry up just outside my door.• Dirty dishes were left piled in the sink.• The girls who pile into the exhibition centre are usually accompanied by a flock of female relatives.• His armour was piled not three yards away, arrayed ready to be donned at short notice.• He scooped out a hollow and lying down piled the leaves over him like a thick coverlet.• Has anyone else noticed that towels dry faster when you don't pile them in the middle of the floor?• Gifts were piled under the Christmas tree.• Storm clouds piling up against Black Hills to east.• Recently it has started to pile up quite quickly.• He piled up snow and covered the remains.• We called the police when we noticed her newspapers and mail were piling up.• This I corrected in a grocery store, piled with butter and big cheeses and shelves of pickles and piled with something• The shelf and the floor were piled with books, boxes and folders stuffed with papers.• The tray was piled with flour.• All the combination platters are piled with food.• The upper floor, reached by a vertical ladder, was piled with hay.• The top was piled with pulp magazines and such.• The sky is piled with sunlit June cumulus.• The floors are piled with traffic signs, plastic bollards, broken Scalextric track, toy trucks and tractors.• Her bed, bedside table, and the floor under her bed were piled with yellow pads and books.Origin pile1 1. (1400-1500) French Latin pila; → PILLAR2. (1500-1600) Latin pilus “hair”3. Old English pil, from Latin pilum “javelin”4. (1400-1500) Latin pila “ball”pile1 noun →n THESAURUS1pile2 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  a of Corpus of group things several same the




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