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单词 piecework
释义  Related topics: Employmentpiece·work /ˈpiːswɜːk $ -wɜːrk/ noun [uncountable]  BEwork for which you are paid according to the number of things you produce rather than the number of hours that you spend working 按件计酬的工作,计件工作 bargaining over piecework rates 就计件工作报酬进行商讨Examples from the Corpuspiecework• The experience of peasant families was repeated by sending daughters into similar social situations in domestic service and piecework.• At work next day, discussing time-sheets and piecework rates with Dagmar, she could feel her skin irritating her.• This is piecework and it pays next to nothing.• You're a semi-skilled mechanic, just like the municipal rat-catcher, on piecework.• Knowing that I could only earn his love on piecework, I constantly sought ways to prove myself useful to him.• The women were on straight piecework, the men on more complex systems of payment.• These rates were an average of their piecework earnings in the three weeks previous to the job change.• Under piecework, cost per pound dropped from two-and-a-quarter cents to one-and-a-quarter cents.piece·work nounChineseSyllable  according are you for paid Corpus which work




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