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单词 pick
释义  Related topics: Musicpick1 /pɪk/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]  1  choose STH 选择某物CHOOSE to choose a person or thing, for example because they are the best or most suitable 挑选;选择 Students have to pick three courses from a list of 15. 学生必须从15门课中选修3门。 I don’t know which colour to pick. 我不知道要选哪个颜色。 Who’s going to pick the team for the match on Saturday? 谁将为星期六的比赛挑选队员?pick somebody/something for something I wasn’t picked for the hockey team. 我没被选进曲棍球队。pick somebody/something as something The hotel was picked as the best small hotel in the area. 那家宾馆被选为那个地区的最佳小型宾馆。pick somebody to do something He was picked to run in the 100 metres. 他被选中参加100米赛跑。 Russell spoke slowly, picking his words (=choosing what to say) very carefully. 罗素讲得很慢,措辞谨慎。 → picked► see thesaurus at choose2  flowers/fruit etc 花/水果等PULL to remove a flower, fruit, nut etc from a plant or tree 采,摘〔花、果等〕 We picked some blackberries to eat on the way. 途中我们采了一些黑莓吃。 Amy picked a small bunch of wild flowers. 埃米采了一小把野花。 a dish of freshly picked peas 一盘新摘的豌豆3  remove STH 去除某物 [always + adverb/preposition]REMOVE to remove something carefully from a place, especially something small 挖,剔pick something from something Ahmed picked the melon pips from his teeth. 艾哈迈德剔去牙缝里的瓜籽。pick something off (something) She was nervously picking bits of fluff off her sweater. 她紧张地择着毛衣上的小绒毛。pick something out of something The goalkeeper spent a lot of his time picking the ball out of the back of the net. 守门员很多时间都花在从网窝里捡球上。4  pick your way through/across/among etc something MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONCAREFULto walk in a slow careful way, choosing exactly where to put your feet down 小心翼翼地穿过某物 She picked her way between the puddles. 她小心翼翼地绕过一个个水坑。 He picked his way down the narrow staircase. 他小心翼翼地走下狭窄的楼梯。5  pick your nose to remove mucus from your nose with your finger 抠鼻子 Don’t pick your nose! 别抠鼻子!6. pick your teeth DFHBHto remove bits of food from between your teeth with your finger or a small pointed object 剔牙7  pick somebody’s brains ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingto ask someone who knows a lot about something for information and advice about it 向某人讨教[请教] Have you got a minute? I need to pick your brains. 您有时间吗?我要向您请教一下。8  pick a quarrel/fight (with somebody) ARGUEto deliberately start a quarrel or fight with someone (对某人)找碴/(向某人)挑衅 I could see he was trying to pick a fight with me. 我看得出来他是想找碴跟我打架。9  pick and choose to choose only the best people or things, or only the ones that you really like 仔细挑选〔最好的或真正喜欢的人或物〕,挑挑拣拣 Come on, you haven’t got time to pick and choose. 快点,没时间挑挑拣拣了。10  pick a lock OPENto use something that is not a key to unlock a door, drawer etc 〔用钥匙之外的东西〕打开[撬开]锁 It’s quite easy to pick the lock on a car door. 撬开汽车门锁轻而易举。11  pick a hole in something to make a hole in something by pulling it with your fingers 把某物扯出一个洞 He had picked a hole in his jumper. 他把自己的毛衣扯出了一个洞。12  pick holes in something informal to criticize an idea or a plan by saying what its weak points are 批评某事物;挑某事物的毛病;找某事物的漏洞 It’s easy to pick holes in her argument. 她的论据漏洞百出。13. pick something clean EATto remove all the meat from a bone when you are eating 把〔骨头〕啃得一干二净14. pick somebody’s pocket STEALto quietly steal something from someone’s pocket 扒窃 → pickpocket15. pick a winner informalCHOOSE to choose someone or something very good 挑选得极好16  pick something to pieces informalCRITICIZE to criticize something very severely and in a very detailed way 把某事物驳得体无完肤 I’m fed up with having my work picked to pieces. 我的工作被贬得一无是处,我受够了。17. musical instrument 乐器 American EnglishAPM to play a musical instrument by pulling at its strings with your fingers 弹拨〔琴弦〕;弹奏〔弦乐器〕 SYN pluck → have a bone to pick with somebody at bone1(10) PHRASAL VERBS18 pick at something phrasal verb a) EATto eat only small amounts of food because you do not feel hungry or do not like the food 〔因不饿或不喜欢而〕一点一点地吃,挑挑拣拣地吃 Paige could only pick at her meal, forcing down a mouthful or two. 佩奇只能勉为其难地吃着饭,强迫自己咽下一两口。b) TOUCHto touch something many times with your fingers, pulling it slightly 〔反复地〕拉扯 She was picking at her skirt. 她不停地拉扯自己的裙子。19 pick somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb SHOOTto point a weapon carefully at one person or animal in a group, and then shoot them 瞄准射击〔人或动物〕 There were gunmen in some of the buildings who picked off our men as they went past. 其中一些大楼里有枪手,我们的人经过时他们就开枪射击。20 pick on somebody/something phrasal verb spoken a) BLAMEto behave in an unfair way to someone, for example by blaming them or criticizing them unfairly 故意刁难 〔某人〕,跟〔某人〕找别扭 Why don’t you pick on someone else for a change? 你为什么不换个人刁难刁难?b) CHOOSE British English to choose a particular person or thing 选择〔某人或某物〕 Just pick on one job and try to get that finished. 只管选一项工作,并设法完成。21 pick somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb a) choose 挑选CHOOSE to choose someone or something from a group 挑选〔人或物〕 She picked out a navy blue dress. 她挑中一条海军蓝的连衣裙。 His story was picked out as the best by the judges. 他的小说被评委们评为第一名。b) recognize 认出RECOGNIZE to recognize someone or something in a group of people or things 分辨出,辨认出 She was able to pick out her father at the other side of the room. 她发现父亲就在房间另一头。 I picked out Valerie’s voice from among the general conversation. 我从众人的说话声中听出了瓦莱丽的声音。c) see 看见 if you can pick something out, you can see it but not very clearly 模糊地看出 I could just pick out some letters carved into the stone. 我只能依稀辨认出石头上刻的一些字母。d) shown clearly 清晰地显示 if something is picked out, it is in a different colour or material from the background, so that it can be clearly seen 〔用某种颜色或材料〕使醒目 His name was picked out in gold lettering. 他的名字用了金色字母,很是醒目。n Grammar Pick out is usually passive in this meaning.e) play a tune 奏出曲调APM to play a tune on a musical instrument slowly or with difficulty 〔缓慢或困难地〕弹[拉]奏 He sat at the piano and picked out a simple tune. 他坐在钢琴前,慢慢弹出一支简单的曲子。22 pick over something phrasal verb EXAMINEto examine a group of things very carefully in order to choose the ones you want 精挑细选,甄选,精选 She was sitting at the kitchen table picking over a pile of mushrooms. 她坐在餐桌边,仔细挑拣着一堆蘑菇。23 pick through something phrasal verb LOOK FORto search through a pile of things to find things that you want 在…里搜寻〔以发现想要的东西〕 Police are still picking through the rubble looking for clues to the cause of the explosion. 警察还在瓦砾中搜寻有关爆炸原因的线索。24 pick up phrasal verb a) lift STH/SB up 捡起[拿起,拾起]某物;举起某人LIFT pick something/somebody ↔ up to lift something or someone up 捡起,拿起,举起 He picked up the letter and read it. 他拿起信看了起来。 The phone rang and I picked it up. 电话响了,我接了起来。 Mummy, can you pick me up? 妈妈,把我抱起来好吗?b) pick yourself upLIFT to get up from the ground after you have fallen 〔跌倒后〕站起来 Carol picked herself up and brushed the dirt off her coat. 卡罗尔站起身,拍去外套上的灰尘。c) tidy STH 整理某物 pick something ↔ up American EnglishTIDY to make a room or building tidy 整理,收拾 Pick up your room before you go to bed. 收拾一下房间再上床。d) get STH 得到某物 pick something ↔ up informal i. GETto get or win something 获得;赢得 He’s already picked up three major prizes this year. 今年他已经拿了三项大奖。 ii. BUYto buy something or get it from a shop etc 买到 I picked up an evening paper on the way home. 我在回家的路上买了一份晚报。 For more details, pick up a leaflet in your local post office. 欲知更多详情,请到当地邮局取阅宣传单。 iii. to get an illness 染上〔疾病〕 I picked up a virus while I was in America. 我在美国的时候感染了病毒。e) collect 领取 pick something ↔ upGET to collect something from a place 取〔某物〕 I’ll pick my things up later. 我过一会儿来取我的东西。 She just dropped by to pick up her mail. 她只是顺便过来取她的邮件。f) let SB into a vehicle 让某人进入车辆 pick somebody ↔ upGET to let someone get into your car, boat etc and take them somewhere 搭载,接载 I’ll pick you up at the station. 我会到车站接你。 The survivors were picked up by fishing boats from nearby villages. 幸存者被附近村庄的渔船救了起来。g) learn 学会 pick something ↔ upLEARN to learn something by watching or listening to other people 〔通过观察或聆听而〕学会 I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year. 去年在希腊的时候我学会了一些希腊语单词。 Mary watched the other dancers to see if she could pick up any tips. 玛丽观察其他跳舞的人,看能否学到什么窍门。h) notice 注意 pick something ↔ upSMELLHEAR to notice something that is not easy to notice, such as a slight smell or a sign of something 注意到〔不容易注意的事情〕 I picked up a faint smell of coffee. 我闻到淡淡的咖啡味。 The dogs picked up the scent and raced off. 那些狗闻到了气味,一下子跑开了。 We picked up their tracks again on the other side of the river. 我们在河对岸又发现了他们的足迹。i) radio/signals 无线电/信号HEAR pick something ↔ up if a machine picks up a sound, movement, or signal, it is able to notice it or receive it 接收 The sensors pick up faint vibrations in the earth. 传感器探测到地球内部微弱的颤动。 I managed to pick up an American news broadcast. 我设法收听到一档美国的新闻广播节目。j) sex 性 pick somebody ↔ upMEET to become friendly with someone you have just met because you want to have sex with them 勾搭上 young women sitting around in bars waiting to be picked up 闲坐在酒吧等人来搭讪的年轻女子k) start again 重新开始 i. CONTINUE/START AGAINif you pick up where you stopped or were interrupted, you start again from that point 〔从谈话、会议停顿的地方〕继续 We’ll meet again in the morning and we can pick up where we left off. 我们上午会再次碰面,到时候接着继续。 ii. IDEA pick something ↔ up if you pick up an idea that has been mentioned, you return to it and develop it further 回过头来进一步阐述〔某观点〕 I’d like to pick up what you said earlier. 我想再谈谈先前你说过的问题。 This same theme is picked up in his later works. 相同的主题又出现在他后来的作品中。l) improve 改进,提高 i. IMPROVEif a situation picks up, it improves 〔情况〕改进,提高,好转 Her social life was picking up at last. 她的社交生活终于有了起色。 The economy is finally beginning to pick up again. 经济终于开始有所好转。 We’ve been through a bit of a bad patch, but things are picking up again now. 我们度过了一段困难时期,不过目前情况又开始好转了。 ii. pick somebody upHEALTHY if a medicine or drink picks you up, it makes you feel better 〔药物或饮料〕使某人感觉好些,使振作精神 → pick-me-upm) road 道路 pick something ↔ up if you pick up a road, you go onto it and start driving along it 沿某条路行进 We take the A14 to Birmingham and then pick up the M5. 我们沿14号干线公路到伯明翰,然后上5号高速公路。n) train/bus 火车/公共汽车 pick something ↔ up if you pick up a train, bus etc, you get onto it and travel on it 乘坐o) pick up speed/steamFAST/QUICK to go faster 加快速度 The train was gradually picking up speed. 火车正在逐渐加速。p) pick up the bill/tab (for something) informalPAY FOR to pay for something (为某事物)付款 Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for mistakes made by a private company? 为什么纳税人要为一家私人公司的过错所造成的损失买单呢?q) wind 风FAST/QUICK if the wind picks up, it increases or grows stronger 变大,变强r) colour 颜色 pick something ↔ upSUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER if one thing picks up a colour in something else, it has an amount of the same colour in it so that the two things look nice together 含有…的颜色〔因而搭配得好〕 I like the way the curtains pick up the red in the rug. 窗帘带点地毯中的红色,我喜欢这种搭配。s) criminal 罪犯 pick somebody ↔ upCATCH if the police pick someone up, they take them somewhere to answer questions or to be locked up 逮捕某人,拘捕某人 He was picked up by police as he was trying to leave the country. 他企图出境时被警察拘捕。t) pick up the pieces (of something)RECOVER/GET BETTER to try to make your life normal again after something very bad has happened to you (使某事物)重整旗鼓,恢复正常 Thousands of victims of the earthquake are now faced with the task of picking up the pieces of their lives. 数以千计的地震灾民现在面临着重建生活的重担。u) pick up the threads (of something)CONTINUE/START AGAIN if you pick up the threads of something that you were doing, you try to return to it and start doing it again after it stopped or was changed 恢复,重新开始(某事物) Now that the war was over they could pick up the threads of their lives again. 战争已经结束,他们可以重新开始生活了。v) pick your feet up spoken used to tell someone to walk properly or more quickly 好好走路;快点走25 pick up after somebody phrasal verb informal to tidy things that someone else has left untidy 跟在〔某人〕后面收拾[整理]东西 I’m tired of picking up after you! 我烦透了总是跟在你屁股后面收拾!26 pick up on something phrasal verb a) NOTICEto notice something about the way someone is behaving or feeling, even though they are trying not to show it 注意到〔别人试图隐藏的事物〕 Children pick up on our worries and anxieties. 孩子们觉察到了我们的不安和焦虑。b) DISCUSSto return to a point or an idea that has been mentioned and discuss it more 回过头来进一步讨论〔已被提到的论点或观点〕 I’d like to pick up on a point that Steven made earlier. 我想再提一提史蒂文先前说过的一点。c) pick somebody up on somethingCRITICIZE to criticize someone slightly for something they have said 批评[指责]某人说过的话 I knew he was lying and I should have picked him up on it. 我知道他在撒谎,我应该说他两句的。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspick• I'll pick a few flowers to take to mum's.• The class was divided into four teams, and each group was asked to pick a leader.• Pick a number from one to five.• Do you think he might pick another woman for the Supreme Court?• Migrant workers come to the orchard each autumn to pick apples.• Joe picked Steve and Terry to be on his team.• In the end, Katie picked the blue dress.• Let me pick the movie tonight - I don't want to see another comedy.• Laura's out in the garden picking tomatoes.• Republicans seized control of both houses of Congress, picking up a whopping 117 House seats along the way.• By Oscar night, Taylor had recovered sufficiently to pick up hers for Butterfield 8.• Vietcong couriers slipped into Saigon to pick up his reports, which he wrote in invisible ink made from starch.• Maybe he used a towel to pick up the iron teakettle.• It has already made behind-the-scenes preparations to share the job of picking up the pieces.• After two or three days I started picking up.pick the team• He was not attempting to pick the team for tonight's First Division match against Wimbledon.freshly picked• These lilacs are freshly picked.• Herbs are at their best when freshly picked.• Sure enough, inside we found some beautiful zucchini and tomatoes, freshly picked from a nearby garden.• A garland of freshly picked marigolds hung from the mirror.• She was bending over a basket of freshly picked marrow flowers, arranging them to her satisfaction.• Live food Try to eat freshly picked or freshly killed foods.pick something out of something• I bet you he can pick him out of a crowd of people.• She picked Graham out of a police lineup after he was arrested for unrelated crimes.• They had grown up and gone to work picking stump out of every other burned off field in this Florida county.• Ralph picked a pencil out of her pencil cup.• It must be marvelous to just belong to some legislative body and just pick money out of the air.• She unerringly picks us out of the crowd in the cavernous old building.• Chaucer and Laurence Sterne picked plums out of theirs.Related topics: Tools, Musicpick2 ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]CHOOSE if you can have your pick or take your pick of different things, you can choose which one you want 挑选,选择 Have a look at the menu and take your pick. 看看菜单再作选择吧。 He knew he could take his pick of any of the girls in the office. 他知道自己可以挑办公室里任何一个姑娘。 Sarah could have her pick of any university in the country. 萨拉可以选择国内任何一所大学。have/get first pick (of something) She always gets first pick of the videos. 她总是第一个挑录像带。2  the pick of something informalBEST the best things in a group 某物中的精华[最好的东西] In tonight’s programme we’ll be discussing the pick of this month’s new movies. 在今晚的节目中我们将讨论本月的最佳新片。 There were fifteen candidates for the job, and he was the pick of the bunch (=the best one). 这个职位有15名候选人,他是其中的最佳人选。3  [countable] informalCHOOSE your pick is the person or thing that you have chosen from a group 挑选出来的人[物] SYN choice There are a lot of good horses in the race, but Archimedes would be my pick. 比赛中有很多好马,不过我最看好阿基米德。4. [countable]TZ a pickaxe 镐,鹤嘴锄5. [countable] informalAPM a small flat object that you use for pulling at the strings of a musical instrument such as a guitar 〔拨吉他等弦乐器用的〕拨片,拨子 SYN plectrum → ice pickExamples from the Corpuspick• Selkirk and four soldiers, well-armed, carrying picks and shovels, were waiting rather self-consciously near the main gate.• Mutombo, the fourth pick in the NBA draft, is averaging 19 points a game.• Last season, his picks resulted in losses of $ 2,370.• Jacksonville took Hardy with the second pick, leaving Rice.• Instead, they still have the same seven picks, including the third overall and one in each round.• I faxed each of them the list of no-load stocks and asked for their picks.• They were armed with pick axe handles and staves.take ... pick• Take your pick from bright colours, bold patterns or classic neutrals Dramatic colours look great with neutral, slimline pants.• Berlin took their pick, then allowed Sotheby's to sell what was left over.• There are all those extra rooms, she can take her pick.• He also planned to recommend not one, but three solid pastoral candidates of whom the cardinal could take his pick.• Big and bold or overdone, take your pick.• Nemo or Popeye, take your pick.• Savers take their pick and pay for the arrangements they want in today's prices.• No, they take their pick.From Longman Business Dictionarypickpick /pɪk/ verb → pick up→ See Verb tableOrigin pick1 (1200-1300) Partly from unrecorded Old English pician; partly from Old French piquer “to prick” pick2 1. (1500-1600) → PICK12. (1300-1400) pikepick1 verb →10-17 →n GRAMMAR1 →PHRASAL VERBS1pick2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  choose Business thing, for a to because person example Corpus or




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