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单词 physiotherapist
释义  Related topics: Nurses, doctors, etcphys·i·o·ther·a·pist /ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpɪst $ -zioʊ-/ noun [countable]  MNsomeone whose job is to give physiotherapy 物理治疗师,理疗师 SYN American English physical therapistExamples from the Corpusphysiotherapist• As a physiotherapist, Roebuck knew how painful, demanding and difficult the recovery period and rehabilitating process would be.• They were conducted by a physiotherapist.• Patients were assessed and treated as necessary by a physiotherapist.• Advice on diet is offered and the child receives abdominal massage, anti-constipation exercises, and hydrotherapy from a physiotherapist.• Some physiotherapists have intuitively incorporated this response into their work.• It is not surprising that a high proportion of patients burst into tears as soon as the physiotherapist begins work.phys·i·o·ther·a·pist nounChineseSyllable  whose is job physiotherapy someone Corpus to give




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