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单词 physio
释义  Related topics: Nurses, doctors, etcphys·i·o /ˈfɪziəʊ $ -zioʊ/ noun (plural physios)  1. MN[countable] informal a physiotherapist 物理治疗师,理疗师2. [uncountable] physiotherapy 物理治疗法,理疗Examples from the Corpusphysio• Tottenham coach Ray Clemence and physio Dave Butler dragged their man away.• Sarah, my physio, had her work cut out this time.• Oh yes, I had a gentleman turn up for some physio on his arm.• We have our own dental surgery, physio department, dispensary, X-ray unit.• I expected the treatment by the physio to work the same /fɪziəʊ, -ziə $ -zioʊ, -ziə/ (also physi-) prefix  1  relating to nature and living things 关于自然和生物的 physiology (=study of how the body works) 生理学2  physical 物理的 physiotherapy (=treatment using exercises etc) 物理治疗法Origin physio- Latin Greek, from physis; → PHYSICSphys·i·o nounphysio- prefixChineseSyllable   Corpus a physiotherapist




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