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单词 photography
释义 Word family  noun photo photograph photographer photography adjective photogenic photographic verb photograph  Related topics: Photographypho·tog·ra·phy /fəˈtɒɡrəfi $ -ˈtɑː-/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  TCPthe art, profession, or method of producing photographs or the scenes in films 摄影;摄影业;摄影术 He did fashion photography for ‘Vogue’ magazine. 他为《时尚》杂志拍过时装照片。 the National Museum of Photography 国家摄影博物馆Examples from the Corpusphotography• an exhibition of Irwin Penn's renowned fashion photography for Vogue magazine• He explained that earning a living left little time for photography but holidays left ample time.• It was during that time that she developed her photography skills, to document conditions in the shops.• Here, indisputably, photography was the vehicle.• Is it photography one should copy?• Chris is studying photography at night school.• He said the profession of surfing photography was like a pyramid.• Surrealist photography indeed developed techniques that self-consciously played upon this juxtaposition of the real as signifier and the signifier as real.• I walk through the photography exhibit at the Kyoto Museum thinking again about what a photograph really means.• Before the introduction of the Kodak camera in 1888, travel photography was usually only indulged in by professionals or serious amateurs.• landscape and wildlife photographypho·tog·ra·phy nounChineseSyllable  the art, or Corpus the or producing profession, photographs method of




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