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单词 Brahmaputra
1. Brahmaputra Grand Hotel, Tibet . Deputy Manager of Guest Services Center.
2. Set in the low-lying Ganges–Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions.
3. Brahmaputra and the Lake is a separate stretches over 360 kilometers around the mountain, the Tibetan people call it La-track Kangri Hill.
4. Set in the low - lying Ganges – Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits a perfect storm of climactic conditions.
5. Hinterland of the snowy plateau, the Brahmaputra side, as if the possession of rural school girls in purdah, poetic beauty, charming, like a dream.
6. As with the Brahmaputra, there are also persisting concerns that China has plans to divert the Irtysh, though in both cases Chinese officials have stressed there are no such plans.
7. When the torrent struck their island in the Brahmaputra river, the villagers remember, it took only moments to obliterate their houses, possessions and livestock.
8. Brahmaputra River , the river bypass Namjagbarwa a dramatic turna huge horseshoe - shaped bend, forming a huge gorge.
9. Nyangtri is also the site where the Brahmaputra is proposed to be diverted northwards by the Chinese.
10. The Great Bend is the place, where the Brahmaputra takes a decisive turn and flows towards India.
11. The effects on the Indus and Brahmaputra basins are likely to be 'severe' owing to the large numbers of people living in the area and their heavy dependence on irrigated agriculture.
12. The second dam on Brahmaputra is now in planning stage. And would come up at 12 KM downstream from Zangmu dam.
13. It exists only in the river systems of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra.
14. China proposes to build as many as six big dams in the region on the Brahmaputra in addition to a dozen or so it has already constructed.
15. A fisherman lifts his net from the waters of the Brahmaputra River.
16. Nutrients from the two great rivers of Ganges and Brahmaputra feed the soil of the paddies in the low-lying Ganges Delta.
17. Furthermore, dwindling water flows along the Mekong in Southeast Asia as well as on the Brahmaputra in eastern India and Bangladesh could produce a sharp international backlash.
18. Seasonal runoff from glaciers such as Naimona'nyi feeds the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in that part of the Asian subcontinent.
19. If Beijing follows through on tentative plans to divert the Brahmaputra, it could provoke its rival, India, in the very region where the two countries fought a war in 1962.
20. Elephants have become trapped in steep-sided drainage ditches in parts of Assam north of the Brahmaputra.
21. Completed in 2010, the satellite-based survey took an inventory of the snow cover and glacier extent across glaciated regions of the Indus, Ganga,(Sentence dictionary) and Brahmaputra River basins.
22. "India needs to be more aggressive in pushing ahead hydro projects (on the Brahmaputra), " Jairam Ramesh, the Indian environment minister, told the Guardian during a recent visit to Beijing.
23. The dispute, which stretches to over a decade, could hold crucial lessons for India in managing water-sharing issues with China over the Brahmaputra river.
24. China is currently at work on constructing the world's largest hydroelectric dam on the Brahmaputra river, which is vital for Indian agriculture.
25. Langkazi area lies in the south side of Indian river Brahmaputra suture zone , the north margin of Himalayan flat bar and south margin of Zhada Zhongba flat bar.
26. Tigers have been secretly poisoned because they prey on cattle. Elephants have become trapped in steep-sided drainage ditches in parts of Assam north of the Brahmaputra.
27. This move is bound to jeopardise the flow of the Brahmaputra, the lifeline of the Assam valley, causing devastating floods during the rainy season.
28. Chinese media reports indicated that the Zangmu project is unlikely to be the last on the Brahmaputra.
29. Nowhere are theseissues better exemplified than in the Himalayas, the 2400-km-long chain ofmountain ranges stretching between the Indus and the Brahmaputra River valleys(see the picture, above).




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更新时间:2025/3/10 21:33:26