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单词 photographic
释义 Word family  noun photo photograph photographer photography adjective photogenic photographic verb photograph  Related topics: Photographypho·to·graph·ic /ˌfəʊtəˈɡræfɪk◂ $ ˌfoʊ-/ ●●○ adjective  TCPrelating to photographs, using photographs, or used in producing photographs 照片的;摄影的;摄制的 photographic film 摄影胶片 photographic equipment 摄影器材 The software allows you to scan photographic images on your personal computer. 这个软件让你可以在个人电脑上浏览拍摄的图像。 —photographically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusphotographic• The text was photographic copies of her own handwriting and the thousands of plates required were laboriously produced on hand-coated paper.• a photographic exhibition• If we look at other photographic genres, we can also observe the way in which commodity culture has affected their development.• a photographic image• New ways, he believed, must perforce be antagonistic to the photographic image.• Apple computers have long been standard equipment in the graphics and photographic industry.• I've got a photographic memory for some things.• I have a temporary photographic memory.• Between the source and your highly sensitive photographic plate sits Watson.• The slots cut out for the photographic portraits were arched.• photographic techniquespho·to·graph·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  relating using producing Corpus photographs photographs, or used in to photographs,




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