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单词 photograph
释义 Word family  noun photo photograph photographer photography adjective photogenic photographic verb photograph  Related topics: Photographypho·to·graph1 /ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf $ ˈfoʊtəɡræf/ ●●● S2 W2 (also photo informal) noun [countable]  TCPPICTUREa picture obtained by using a camera and film that is sensitive to light 照片,相片 a colour photograph 彩色照片 a black and white photograph 黑白照片photograph of I wish I had a photograph of Thomas. 我真希望自己有一张托马斯的照片。 He took a photograph of the hotel. 他拍了一张那家酒店的照片。 Tim was looking through an old photograph album (=book in which you put photographs). 蒂姆在翻看一本旧相册。 Did you see Leo’s photograph (=a photograph of Leo) in the newspaper? 你看到报纸上利奥的照片了吗?n THESAURUSphotograph a picture taken using a cameraVisitors are not allowed to take photographs inside the museum.our wedding photographsphoto informal a photographa way of displaying your digital photosDo you want me to take your photo?picture a photograph of someone or somethingI saw her picture in the paper the other day.This is a really good picture of Sarah.Can I take your picture?snap British English informal, snapshot especially American English a photograph that you take quickly and without thinking carefully about how it will look, for example when you are on holidayPatrick showed me his holiday snaps.She showed me a snapshot of her three children.shot informal a photograph – used especially by people who often take photographsI got some great shots of Mount Fuji.It's a lovely shot.print a photograph that has been printed on photographic papera set of 4 by 6 inch prints RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say photo or picture rather than photograph: 在日常英语中,人们一般说photo或picture,而不说photographThis is my dad in this photo. 这张照片里这是我爸爸。Who took the picture? 这照片是谁拍的?n COLLOCATIONSverbstake a photographHe wanted to take a photograph of me.get a photograph (=take one successfully)I got some brilliant photographs of the desert.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + photographa colour photographThe book is fully illustrated with colour photographs.a black-and-white photographa digital photographa framed photographOn the desk was a framed photograph of a woman.a signed photographHe keeps a signed photograph of Bill Clinton in his office.a wedding photographYour wedding photographs will keep the memories of the big day alive for aerial photograph (=one taken from a plane)Aerial photographs can be used to locate archaeological sites.faded All her life she kept a faded photograph of him in his army uniform.blurredHe was shown a blurred photograph, taken from a moving car.grainy (=with a rough, not sharp, appearance)I stared at the grainy newspaper photograph, searching for my mother.sepia (=used about a black and white photograph that has shades of brown, in a way that is typical of old photographs)an 1854 sepia photograph of Jonathan Pickering, the company founderphotograph + NOUNa photograph album (=a book in which you put photographs)Mama kept a photograph album full of pictures of her family.Examples from the Corpusphotograph• Ansel Adams' photographs of the American wilderness are now worth thousands of dollars.• The exhibits are surrounded by period costumes and photographs, and the show is to last until January.• It's full of great colour photographs and is all about endangered animals.• The first photographs should be released later in the day.• My camera's fully automatic and takes really good photographs.• I hate having my photograph taken.• Visitors are not allowed to take photographs inside the Museum.• Christine showed me a book based on their documentary and explained the captions under the photographs.• The photograph is always about looking, and seeing.• In this photograph, which appears in many anthologies, the chair looks bleak in its complete aloneness.• Her wedding photograph showed her with a prettily plump figure.• The photographer asked all the guests to stand still and pose for the wedding photograph.• black-and-white photographs of the canyontook ... photograph• Sometimes I took my camera to the beach and took photographs of some of the boats that went by.• Afterwards we went outside and took photographs.• Conversations with clients were tape-recorded and remote controlled 35 millimetre Olympus cameras took photographs in the bedrooms.• Di Gesu took photographs until just before his death.• From this he took a photograph which he passed across to Mrs Wilson.• He took a photograph of the sign, on the ground in front of it.• I took photographs of the birds on the cliffs.• I took a photograph of Tamar out of my bag.Related topics: Photographyphotograph2 ●●○ verb  1  [transitive]TCPPICTURE to take a photograph of someone or something 为…拍照,为…照相 Kate agreed to let me photograph her. 凯特同意让我为她拍照。 He stood by the tree to be photographed. 他站在树旁准备让人拍照。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say take a photo or take a picture of someone or something rather than photograph someone or something: 在日常英语中,人们一般说take a photo或take a picture of someone or something,而不说photograph someone or somethingShe agreed to let me take her photo. 她同意让我给她拍照。He stood there waiting to have his picture taken. 他站在那里等着别人给他拍照。2  photograph well TCPBEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGto look attractive in photographs 上镜,上相 Celia does not photograph well. 西莉亚不上相。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusphotograph• Broke down while being photographed by his friends?• He was photographed by Man Ray in a sharp, dark suit with a striped shirt and white collar.• Agents also rented a room across Columbus Avenue and photographed everyone who entered and left the Portofino.• Ruskin refused to be photographed for the article.• He went to her workplace and badgered and finally photographed her, infringing our private lives.• They have therefore never been photographed with sufficient resolution to show their sizes and shapes.Origin photograph1 (1800-1900) photo- + -graph “something written or drawn” (from Greek graphein “to write”)pho·to·graph1 noun →REGISTER1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1photograph2 verb →REGISTER1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  and obtained by film camera using a a picture Corpus




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