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单词 perpetual
释义  per·pet·u·al /pəˈpetʃuəl $ pər-/ ●○○ adjective [usually before noun]  1  CONTINUOUScontinuing all the time without changing or stopping 连续不断的,无休止的 SYN continuous the perpetual noise of the machines 机器连续不断的噪音 a little girl with a perpetual smile 总是带着微笑的小女孩► see thesaurus at permanent2  CONTINUOUSrepeated many times in a way that annoys you 〔令人讨厌地〕一再重复的 SYN continual my mother’s perpetual nagging 我母亲没完没了的唠叨3  literaryALWAYS/FOREVER permanent 永久的,永恒的 the perpetual snows of the mountaintops 山顶的终年积雪 —perpetually adverbExamples from the Corpusperpetual• Up to five alarm calls per day can be set and there's a perpetual calendar as well.• For many working mothers, balancing the demands of children and job is a perpetual challenge.• Those who remain in the city are in perpetual danger of being hit by bullets and shells.• They help ward off the horse's instinctive perpetual fear of danger.• Walker seems to have a perpetual grin on his face.• Her husband's perpetual jealousy strongly affected their marriage.• The perpetual light of Voltai came in through his long windows.• I'm sick of her perpetual nagging.• Most senators complain that their perpetual race for money distracts them from official duties.• How can a struggling organization escape this pernicious cycle of perpetual reaction and strife?• The process is one of perpetual self-improvement.• The loyalty and heroics that Mulholland inspired in his workers were a perpetual source of wonder.• a perpetual struggle between rich and poorOrigin perpetual (1300-1400) Old French perpetuel, from Latin perpetuus, from petere “to go to”per·pet·u·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  changing all continuing without time stopping or Corpus the




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