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单词 perished
释义  per·ished /ˈperɪʃt/ adjective British English spoken  COLDfeeling very cold 感到很冷的 I wish I’d brought a jacket – I’m perished! 我真该带件夹克来——我现在冷得要命!Examples from the Corpusperished• Instead of immediately heading for the ocean, as they are genetically programmed to do, they headed inland, and all perished.• He muttered an invocation but the machine's soul had perished and did not revive.• The soft, perished feel of the old washer which rubbed black on your fingers as you took it out of the tap.• Glyn Philpot painted the ceiling which has a centre of perished mirror work.per·ished adjectiveChineseSyllable  cold Corpus feeling very




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