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单词 bearskin
释义  Related topics: Clothes, Armybear·skin /ˈbeəˌskɪn $ ˈber-/ noun  1. [countable, uncountable]HBA the skin of a bear 熊皮2. [countable]DCCPMA a tall hat made of black fur, worn by some British soldiers for special ceremonies 〔一些英国士兵在特殊仪式上戴的黑色〕熊皮高帽Examples from the Corpusbearskin• B.L. I had these passionate blouse-ripping fantasies, the sort where you dissolve on a bearskin rug and explode with ecstasy.• People do not want to see a black face under a bearskin.• a bearskin rug• Two civilians in bearskin coats were leaning on the camera when Billy and Weary came by.• Throwing back its bearskin cover, he lowered her carefully to the mattress and stood looking down at her.bear·skin nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a of skin the bear




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