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单词 plant
释义 Word family  noun plant transplant transplantation plantation planter verb plant transplant  Related topics: Plants, Factories, Industryplant1 /plɑːnt $ plænt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  living thing 生物 [countable]HBP a living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth, especially one that is smaller than a tree 植物 Don’t forget to water the plants. 别忘记给植物浇水。 → houseplant2  factory 工厂 [countable]TIF a factory or building where an industrial process happens 工厂 ;车间 a huge chemical plant 一座大型化工厂 → power plant3  machinery 机械 [uncountable] British EnglishTI heavy machinery that is used in industrial processes 重型机械,机械设备 a plant hire business 一家重型机械出租公司4. STH hidden 隐藏的东西 [countable usually singular]GUILTY something illegal or stolen that is hidden in someone’s clothes or possessions to make them seem guilty of a crime 栽赃物5. person 人 [countable]SPY someone who is put somewhere or sent somewhere secretly to find out information 内应,卧底 COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + plantrare 稀有的Many rare plants were collected from India and China. 许多稀有植物是从印度和中国收集到的。common 常见的These plants are common in British gardens. 这些植物在英国的花园中很常见。wild plants 野生植物Many wild plants are in danger of dying out. 许多野生植物正濒临灭绝。garden plants (=plants that are grown in gardens) 园艺植物nThese butterflies feed on the flowers of several garden plants.exotic/tropical plants 异域/热带植物nExotic plants can be grown in a greenhouse.medicinal plants (=plants that can be used in medicine) 药用植物nA lot of research into medicinal plants and traditional remedies has now been carried out.a potted/pot plant British English (=a plant that is grown in a container) 盆栽植物nHe leaves his house key under the potted plant on the house plant (=a plant grown in a pot in the house)These make excellent house plants.a climbing plant (=one that grows up things) 攀缘植物nThe wall was covered with climbing plants.a trailing plant (=one that grows along the ground or hangs down) 蔓生植物a tomato/potato/bean etc plant 番茄/土豆/菜豆等植株nBean plants are easy to grow.npoisonousWhat should you do if your child has eaten a poisonous plant?verbsa plant grows 植物生长The plant grows to a height of about 20 inches. 这种植物可长到约20英寸的高度。a plant thrives/flourishes (=grows well) 植物繁茂A lot of plants thrive in partial shade. 很多植物在半阴凉处长得很茁壮。a plant flowers 植物开花The plants are flowering earlier this year. 今年这些植物花开得早。grow a plant 栽种植物It is not an easy plant to grow. 这种植物不容易种植。water a plant 给植物浇水nHe could see her watering the plants in her small plant withers (=becomes drier and starts to die)plant + NOUNplant life (=plants) 植物生命All but the dirtiest of rivers support some plant life. 除非极为肮脏,所有河流都能为某些植物提供生存环境。plant material 植物材料[物质]They feed on decaying plant material. 它们以腐烂的植物为食。n THESAURUSplant a living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth, especially one that is smaller than a treeDon’t forget to water the plants.Plants grow towards the sun.Botanists examined plant species from around the world.herb a small plant that is used to improve the taste of food, or to make medicineSprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.medicinal herbs (=used as medicine)The shop sells an interesting range of herbs and spices.weed a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properlyShe was pulling up weeds in her garden.Herbicides can be used to prevent and control weeds.bulb a root shaped like a ball that grows into a flower or plantShe planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs.shrub a small bush with several woody stemsflowering shrubsRosemary is an evergreen shrub.Examples from the Corpusplant• Carlson swore to the police that the drugs were a plant.• an aluminum plant• The usual amount of organic detritus produced by the fish and plants will be sufficient for its growth.• He concluded by asking Miller for one little root of Ixia, or other bulbous plant from the Cape.• Perhaps difficulty in obtaining natron through the traditionally established routes triggered the use of halophytic plants instead.• a KGB plant in the Washington establishment• Unlike most land plants, aquatic plants are not dependent solely on nutrition obtained through the root system.• In Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, gunmen reportedly seized 30 workers at an electrical power plant.• When I do fertilize the plants you mention, I use a high-phosphorus fertilizer.• They also tend to survive burial in conditions that destroy the rest of the plant.• a tomato plant• The triumphant plant, a combination of lichen and cactus, certainly would look weird to the eyes of man.Related topics: Plants, Crime, Gardening, Cropsplant2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  plants/seeds 植物/种子HBPGROW PLANTS, VEGETABLES ETC to put plants or seeds in the ground to grow 种植,栽种;播种 Residents have helped us plant trees. 居民们帮助我们种了树。 We’ve planted tomatoes and carrots in the garden. 我们在菜园里种了番茄和胡萝卜。plant a field/garden/area etc (with something) a hillside planted with fir trees 种着杉树的山坡2  put STH somewhere 把某物放在某处 [always + adverb/preposition] informalPUT to put something firmly in or on something else 牢牢插进;稳固地放置plant something in/on etc something He came up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. 他走上前去,在她脸颊上深深一吻。 She planted her feet firmly to the spot and refused to move. 她双脚钉在那里,不肯移步。3  hide illegal goods 藏匿非法物品 informalSCC to hide stolen or illegal goods in someone’s clothes, bags, room etc in order to make them seem guilty of a crime 栽〔赃〕plant something on somebody She claims that the police planted the drugs on her. 她声称这些毒品是警察给她栽的赃。4  BOMB 炸弹plant a bomb SCto put a bomb somewhere 放置炸弹 Two men are accused of planting a bomb on the plane. 两名男子被控在飞机上放置炸弹。5  person 人SPY to put or send someone somewhere, especially secretly, so that they can find out information 〔秘密〕安插〔人以获取信息〕 The police had planted undercover detectives at every entrance. 警方在每个入口处都布了密探。6  plant an idea/doubt/suspicion (in somebody’s mind) BELIEVEto make someone begin to have an idea, especially so that they do not realize that you gave them the idea 使想法/怀疑/猜疑植根于(某人的头脑),(给某人)灌输想法/怀疑/猜疑 Someone must have planted the idea of suicide in his mind. 一定是有人在他的脑子里灌输了自杀的念头。7 plant something ↔ out phrasal verb GROW PLANTS, VEGETABLES ETCto put a young plant into the soil outdoors, so that it has enough room to grow 把〔幼苗〕移植到户外 The seedlings should be planted out in May. 幼苗应该在五月份移植到户外。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusplant• How many large areas of coniferous forest have been planted?• The police found the stolen cameras in his flat, but he insisted they had been planted.• They planted an oak tree in the middle of the field.• He accused the police of planting evidence.• It seemed that he had a foot planted firmly on both sides of the generation gap.• Delphiniums and hollyhocks are planted in the sun to give colour and height.• Towards the end of March, the potatoes can be planted outside in the ground.• With planting season approaching, all sides agree that farmers need to know what government programs will be.• Perhaps the native rainbows outlasted their planted sisters and brothers, he argued.• It turned out the security services had planted the documents in his luggage.• Someone planted the drugs on her before she left the country.• Before you plant the seeds, prepare the soil carefully.• About a dozen school children helped plant trees in the park.• He said the ground is planted with sensors that detect footsteps.plant a field/garden/area etc (with something)• I went there every day, planted a garden, cleaned up the fields and prepared for next yearns crop.• The view swept down to a small valley with church spires, orderly farms, and freshly planted fields.• They marched directly to the native plants garden and knew exactly what to begin looking for.plant something on somebody• Someone must have planted the drugs on her.From Longman Business Dictionaryplantplant /plɑːntplænt/ nounMANUFACTURING1[uncountable] the machinery and equipment used in an industrial process or activityThere is a desperate need to rebuild the stock of productive plant and equipment in this country.2[countable] a factory or building where an industrial process takes place or a product is madea chemical plantThe Japanese car company plans to spend $600 million on a new engine plant.a nuclear power plant → assembly plant → fabrication plant → manufacturing plant → packing plantOrigin plant1 Old English plante, from Latin planta “new growth on a plant, part cut off a plant to be grown again” plant2 Old English plantian, from Latin plantare, from planta; → PLANT1plant1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1plant2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  leaves has Business that living Corpus a thing




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