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单词 Unwell
1. He complained of feeling unwell.
2. I feel decidedly unwell this morning.
3. She said she was feeling unwell and went home.
4. I feel unwell/sick/terrible; I don't feel well.
5. He felt unwell this morning.
6. I hear you've been unwell recently.
7. She had been feeling unwell.
8. Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset.
9. Tony has been unwell over the weekend .
10. She's been very unwell, but she's on the mend now.
11. One of the actors was unwell and couldn't go on with the performance.
12. If he's unwell, that's all the more reason to go and see him.
13. When we are tired, tense, depressed or unwell, we feel pain much more.
14. You should delay vaccination if you are unwell with a fever.
15. Ruth had decided to say she'd been unwell, and had been given a few days off to recover her strength.
16. When we feel unwell in some way or another we do not always recognize stress as the culprit.
17. Given that they're feeling unwell to start with, this can lead to tears.
18. Nigel was really unwell at the last minute with a bad bout of flu, but decided not to cancel.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. If you are feeling unwell, have a temperature or an infection, withdraw.
20. Susceptible people experience flushing and feel unwell when they eat foods containing these compounds.
21. By lunchtime she was distinctly unwell and the school nurse told her she had a temperature and sent her home.
22. Loi felt very unwell, and Joe was trying to treat the infection with a different type of antibiotic.
23. Other scholars heard that he was unwell and sent him notes made remote by their instinct that his straits must mortify him.
24. Tom had been unwell for some time but had refused to see a doctor.
25. He had been riding in Hyde Park, but felt unwell as he was being driven back to his office late this afternoon.
26. I had been warned off visiting her while she was still unwell.
27. I usually park in Newgate Street, but when feeling unwell have occasionally parked on this road to cut down the walking.
28. Your Mr Bernard is, by the by, even if unwell, a terrific fellow.
29. It is best to make a firm rule not to fly if you are feeling unwell or unenthusiastic.
30. Almost certainly if you were suffering from such an illness you would have other symptoms to indicate that you were unwell.
1. He complained of feeling unwell.
2. He felt unwell this morning.
31. Mrs Hedges is unwell today, so her class will be taken by Mr Collier.
32. Yesterday he was rowing with the boat race squad on this stretch of Thames at Wallingford when he complained he felt unwell.
33. She opened the gate of Number 10, the terraced house of Miss Vine, whose budgerigar was unwell.
34. He had been unwell for some time and had now gone into a state of collapse.
35. The Empress miscarried in April 1853 and as a consequence remained extremely unwell for months.
36. Her father was unwell, she explained; it would be helpful if everyone would leave the theatre as quickly as possible.
37. She seldom feels unwell, and has not visited the doctor or taken a day off in more than ten years.
38. I went to bed because I was unwell.
39. My friends told me that you've been unwell.
40. I feel pretty grotty , ie unwell.
41. He's unwell, he loves his country, and he's old.
42. She had often been unwell.
43. Inappetence , epigastrium has unwell feeling.
44. Systemic symptom basically is calorific, fatigue and unwell, night sweat, inappetence, gradually angular wait.
45. The manager is unwell and the meeting has to be cancelled.
46. Brothers, palpebral oedema: Commonner, weight of a few patient increases significantly, formfitting at ordinary times dress becomes close narrow unwell.
47. Respiratory system symptom sees cough , cough up phlegm, haemoptysis, bosom unwell, bosom is frowsty etc.
48. The picture disturbed Victor Henry because the President appeared so vulnerable, unwell, and unimportant.
49. Doctor Xu advised white-collar workers who feel unwell, especially those who work more than 10 hours a day, to pay more attention to their diets and mental health and to undergo regular examinations.
50. Often, when the body unwell again there will be some early warning signal play.
51. Chicken becomes warped woodiness of wood, ferreous mesua is thick, unwell fine carve.
52. If your animal is unwell, take him or her to a registered veterinary surgeon for diagnosis and treatment.
53. When using, need not heat, can besmear directly be in the skin at depilating , as close together as the skin adhesion, without unwell feeling, apply to sensitive place skin to depilate.
54. On paper, I am the healthiest man alive, yet I feel permanently unwell.
55. Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic , glossitis, diarrhoea.
56. You look unwell ( seedy ) , and your eyes are bloodshot.
57. Not suitable for people with heart disease, hypertension, or feeling unwell.
58. After you take a shower , bathe the indoor steam whether very difficult obviation. The steam of the surplus flows into the room, making human body unwell.
59. The human body that aerography of modern medical treatment causes climate change a series of unwell, say for " climate change is allergic " .
60. As a result of XuWine, the person that excitant food and medicaments are caused, have epigastrium more unwell, aching, anorexia, disgusting, vomiting, general very not serious.
61. Say to the children of Israel, If a woman is with child and gives birth to a male child, she will be unclean for seven days, as when she is unwell .
62. This kind of patient often has neurasthenic all symptom, if insomnious companion has the head, unwell, attention cannot be centered, memory difference, easy exhaustion, jelly.
63. If you did not see well, take chili so fierce bite off abdomen, careful gastrorrhagia, intestines and stomach is unwell.
64. Still have, and there aring a lot of animals is unwell proper use to be a pet, live the dissimilarity of temperament, may cause animal after being kept and raised compulsory of crack-up and death.
65. High fever drop back still feels unwell, how should do?
66. She never potters away a minute, not even when she is unwell.
67. On this occasion, in consequence of Nora being unwell, Owen and Frankie went by themselves.
68. When his body is unwell, can appear a few sleep undesirably appearance, the parent often ought to notice observation, adjust the body state of children in time.
69. She says she feels strange , ie rather unwell, perhaps dizzy.
70. The patients with KCS whose ocular surface were severitily damage among SLE subjects have not fell unwell like dryness of eye may because the corneal perceptivity was decreased.
71. Most of the women with birth trauma he works with "are so fearful about giving birth for the second or third time that they are making themselves unwell".
72. Mrs. Pendennis was too unwell to come out(/unwell.html), but Laura and Pen came.
73. The cousin feels unwell, the eye can keep blinking, have kind of feeling that records affidavit in guardhouse.




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