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单词 pasture
释义  Related topics: Agriculturepas·ture1 /ˈpɑːstʃə $ ˈpæstʃər/ noun [countable, uncountable]  1  TAland or a field that is covered with grass and is used for cattle, sheep etc to feed on 牧场 large areas of rough upland pasture 大片起伏的山地牧场 the lush pastures of the southern counties 南部各郡茂盛的牧场2  put something/somebody out to pasture a) TAto move cattle, horses etc into a field to feed on the grass 放牧〔牛、马等〕 b) informalLEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION to make someone leave their job because you think they are too old to do it well 〔认为某人年纪太大而〕使某人离职,使某人退休3  pastures new/greener pastures NEWa new and exciting or better job, place, or activity – used humorously 更刺激[更好]的新职位[地方,活动]〔幽默用法〕 I’d like to say goodbye to Paul who leaves us for pastures new. 我想向保罗道别,他要离开我们另谋高就了。Examples from the Corpuspasture• By pastures green, he leadeth me, the quiet waters by.• Other considerations for siting Neolithic settlements included good water and soil, and convenient pasture land for newly domesticated animals.• a cow pasture• As Balfour talked, the men casually watched the infested pasture.• Net income on the pasture is £2450 per year.• I said I hoped no angels were flying over the pasture.• Radiating outwards are the paths to the pastures and the frontiers of the Masai world.• Simon then had the agonising decision as to whether Wizard should stay or go off to pastures new.• In some areas woodland, waste or upland pasture was cleared and developed and new settlements established.Related topics: Agriculturepasture2 verb  1. [transitive]TAHBA to put animals outside in a field to feed on the grass 放牧2. [intransitive + on]TAHBA if animals pasture on a particular area of land, they eat the grass that is growing there 〔牛、羊等〕在草地上吃草→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspasture• Haciendas have taken over lands previously used by their indigenous workers for domestic production and converted them to pasture.• With the new set-aside agricultural policies, there is a possibility that cultivated parks can be put back to pasture.• When horses and donkeys are pastured together there is no doubt that each species mates preferentially with its own kind.Origin pasture1 (1200-1300) Old French Late Latin pastura, from Latin pascere “to feed”pas·ture1 nounpasture2 verbChineseSyllable  grass Corpus covered a or is that field land with




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