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单词 part
释义 Word family  noun part counterpart parting partition adjective partial parting part verb part partition adverb part partially partly  Related topics: Technology, Hair & beauty, Performing, Music, Chemistry, Measurementpart1 /pɑːt $ pɑːrt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  piece 部分 [countable]PART a piece or feature of something such as an object, area, event, or period of time 部分part of The front part of the car was damaged. 这辆汽车的前部损坏了。 In parts of Canada, French is the first language. 在加拿大的部分地区,法语是第一语言。 The cost of living is becoming unbearable for retired people in our part of the world (=where we live). 在我们这里,生活费用已经高得让退休人士难以承受了。 More heat is lost through the head than any other part of the body. 头部散发的热量比身体其他部位都要多。the early/later/latter/last part in the early part of the 19th century 19世纪早期the best/worst part The best part of the holiday was the food. 假期里最开心的事是吃东西。the first/final/last part etc You can see the final part of that series on Tuesday. 星期二你能看到那部连续剧的大结局。part two/three etc I shall be explaining this further in Part Two. 这个我会在第二部分做进一步解释。the hard/easy part Getting Dad to agree will be the hard part. 让爸爸同意会是很难的。different parts/all parts of something The jobs attracted people from all parts of the world. 那些工作吸引了世界各地的人。integral/vital/important part the traditions that are an integral part of Jewish life 和犹太人生活息息相关的传统in parts The film is very violent in parts. 这部电影有些片段非常暴力。2  machine/object 机器/物体 [countable]TPART one of the separate pieces that something such as a machine or piece of equipment is made of 〔机器、设备等的〕零件,部件 Lay all the parts out before you start assembling the model. 开始组装模型之前把所有的零件都摆放出来。 engine parts 发动机部件spare parts (=kept for when a part breaks, needs replacing etc) 备用零件3  NOT ALL 不是全部part of something some, but not all, of a particular thing 某物的部分[局部] Part of the money will be spent on a new playground. 部分钱款将用于建造新操场。 Part of the castle was destroyed by fire. 这个城堡的一部分毁于火灾。 For part of the day, you will be outside doing practical work. 你们每天将有一部分时间在户外实际操作。part of me/him etc Part of me hates him (=I partly hate him). 我有点恨他。(only) part of the story/problem/explanation etc Poor working conditions are only part of the problem. 恶劣的工作条件仅仅是问题的一方面。 ► Don’t say ‘(the) most part of’. Say most of: We spent most of (NOT most part of) the morning shopping.不要说 ‘(the) most part of’. 而要说 most of: We spent most of (不说 most part of) the morning shopping. 我们那天早上大部分时间在购物。4  INVOLVEMENT 参与play a part if something or someone plays a part in something else, they are involved in it 参与,参加play a part in Health education will play a part in preparing us for old age. 健康教育将为我们进入老年生活做好一定准备。 Britain should play its full part in the negotiations. 英国应全力参与这些谈判。play a big/important part in something Pictures play an important part in publishing. 图片在出版业中起到重要作用。5  have a part to play (in something) to have a particular job or be responsible for something (在某事中)发挥作用 The church used to have a more important part to play in the community. 教会曾经在社区中发挥过更大的作用。6  take part TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto be involved in an activity, sport, event etc with other people 参加,参与take part in About 400 students took part in the protest. 约有400名学生参加了抗议活动。 She wanted to take part but she was too ill. 她想参加,但她病得太厉害了。take an active/leading part At college I took an active part in student politics. 在大学里我积极参与学生政治活动。 ► Don’t say ‘take a part in’ something. Say take part in something.不要说 ‘take a part in’ something. 而要说 take part in something.7  take/have/play no part in something to not be involved in something 未参与某事,未卷入某事 She took no part in the fighting. 她没有参与那场打斗。8  want no part of something to not want to be involved in something 不想参与某事 There was a plan to change the production style, and he wanted no part of it. 有计划要改变生产方式,他不想参与其中。9  the best/better part of something MOSTnearly all of something 某事物的绝大部分/大部分 We waited for the best part of an hour. 我们等了近一个小时。10  a good/large part of something LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa lot or more than half of something 某事物的多半/大半 A large part of the budget will be spent on advertising. 一大部分预算将花费在广告上。11  the greater/major part of something most of something 某事物的大部分 They controlled the greater part of North Africa. 他们控制了北非的大部分地区。12  in part PARTLYto some degree, but not completely 在某种程度上;部分地 SYN partly His reluctance to help could, in part, be explained by his poor eyesight. 他不愿意帮忙,在某种程度上可能是由于他视力不好。13  in large part/for the most part MOSTmostly, or in most places 多半,在很大程度上;在大多数地方 Success was due in large part to good teamwork. 成功在很大程度上归因于良好的团队合作。 For the most part he worked patiently. 大多数时候他工作很有耐心。14  be (a) part of something to be included or involved in something 是某事物的一部分 Falling over is part of learning how to ski. 学滑雪少不了要摔倒。 If you decide to work for our organisation, you will be part of a great team. 如果你决定为我们机构工作,你将成为我们优秀团队中的一员。15  form (a) part of something PARTto be one of the things that make up something larger or more important 组成某事物的一部分 Practical work forms an integral part of the course. 实习是这门课必不可少的一部分。16. hair 头发 [countable usually singular] American EnglishDCB a parting 〔头发的〕分缝17  acting 表演 [countable]APA the words and actions of a particular character in a play or film 〔角色的〕台词和动作;角色 SYN role Could someone take the part of Romeo, please? 能请谁来扮演罗密欧吗? Katharine’s playing the part of Mary in the school play. 凯瑟琳在学校的话剧中扮演玛丽一角。18  music 音乐 [countable]APM the music that one type of instrument or voice within a group plays or sings 〔乐器或声音的〕部,声部,音部 The violin part is difficult. 小提琴部分很难演奏。 The choir sings in four-part harmony. 那个合唱队用四部和声演唱。19  quantity 数量 [countable]HCTM used to say how much of each substance there is or should be in a mixture (等)份 Prepare the glue with one part powder to three parts water. 用一份粉和三份水来配制胶水。 The sulphur dioxide level in the air was 32 parts per billion. 空气中二氧化硫的含量是十亿分之三十二。20  look the part a) to look like a typical person of a particular type 看上去样子像那种人 In his smart suit, he certainly looked the part. 穿着考究的西装,他看上去真像那么回事。 b) to perform well and seem likely to be successful – used in sports reports 崭露头角〔用于体育报道中〕 He’s beginning to look the part on the soccer field. 他开始在足球场上崭露头角。21  dress the part to wear suitable clothes for something 穿着得体 She’s got a new high-powered job, and she’s certainly dressing the part. 她找到一份位高权重的新工作,当然穿得符合自己的身份。22  somebody’s part in something what a particular person did in an activity that was shared by several people, especially something bad 某人在某事中的参与〔尤指不好的事〕 He was imprisoned for six years for his part in the murder. 他因参与谋杀而被监禁了六年。23  in/round these parts DNLIVE SOMEWHEREin the particular area that you are in 在这一带 We don’t get many tourists in these parts. 我们这一带没有多少游客。24  take somebody’s part SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN British English formal to support someone in a quarrel or argument 〔在争论中〕站在某人这边 SYN take somebody’s side Dad always takes my brother’s part when we argue. 我和弟弟争吵的时候,爸爸总是站在弟弟那一边。25  for my/his part etc OPINION formal used when saying what a particular person thinks or does, as opposed to other people 就我/他等而言 For my part, I prefer living in the country. 就我而言,我宁愿住在乡下。26  on somebody’s part/on the part of somebody DO something/TAKE ACTIONFEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETCused when describing a particular person’s feelings or actions 某人所感觉[做]的;就某人而言 It was probably just a mistake on her part. 这可能只是她的一个失误。 There has never been any jealousy on my part. 我从没有感到嫉妒。27. take something in good part old-fashionedFUNNY to accept jokes or criticism about you without being upset 对某事一笑置之,对某事物并不见怪28  be part and parcel of something INCLUDEto be a necessary feature of something 是某事物的必然部分 Working irregular hours is all part and parcel of being a journalist. 工作时间无规律是记者这一行的基本特征。29. be/become part of the furniture to have been in a place for so long that people no longer notice you 习以为常的人[物],久在某处故不被人注意的人[物]30  man/woman of many parts someone who is able to do many different things 多面手 He was a man of many parts: writer, literary critic and historian. 他是个多面手: 既是作家,又是文学评论家和历史学家。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a piece or feature of something such as an object, area, event, or period of timeADJECTIVES/NOUN + part the early partThe school dates from the early part of the nineteenth century.the first partIn the first part of the book he describes his childhood.the later part (=the part towards the end of a period of time )in the later part of the twentieth centurythe latter part (=the second half rather than the first)The festival lasts for ten days during the latter part of May.the last/final partWe had reached the last part of our journey.the best/worst partThe worst part was having to work even when it was raining.the hard/easy partDeciding what you’re going to cook is the easy important partFresh fruit is an important part of our diet.a vital/essential part (=an extremely important and necessary part )A ceasefire in the region is an essential part of any peace integral part (=a necessary part of the whole thing)These workshops are an integral part of the course.different parts of somethingPublic transport varied between different parts of the country.all parts of something (also every part of something)He had access to all parts of the factory.the component/constituent parts of something (=the separate parts that form it)The body is a complex thing with many constituent parts.equal partsI cut the orange into four equal parts.phrasesparts of the worldThere are wars going on in many parts of the of the countryHe sometimes went to visit friends in other parts of the of the bodyThe cancer may spread to other parts of the body.part one/two/three etcThe questionnaire is in two parts: part one asks for your personal details and part two asks for your comments on the course. THESAURUSpart something that together with other things forms a whole 部分It looks like part of a car engine. 它看上去像汽车引擎部件。The best part of the movie was the end. 这部电影最精彩的部分是结尾。The hardest part is getting started. 万事开头难。bit especially British English informal a small part of something 一小段,一小部分Some bits of the book are really funny. 书里有些段落很有趣。I didn’t read the bottom bit. 我没有读底下那部分。piece one of several different parts that you join together to make something 片,块,段One of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle was missing. 有一块拼图不见了。The furniture comes in several pieces. 家具是分成几个部分送到的。component a part of a machine or process 〔机器或过程的〕部件,组成部分The company supplies engine components for trucks. 这家公司提供卡车引擎部件。Education is a major component in a child’s growth and development. 教育是儿童成长发育过程中的重要部分。section a part of something that is clearly different and separate from other parts 部分;部件The test is divided into two sections. 测验分为两部分。the reference section of the library 图书馆的参考书阅览区the string section of the orchestra 管弦乐队的弦乐部chapter one of the numbered parts that a book is divided into 章,回,篇The opening chapter of the book sets the scene. 本书的开篇介绍了背景。scene one of the parts that a film or play is divided into 〔电影或戏剧的〕镜头,场面,片断Some scenes had to be cut because they were too violent. 有些镜头因为太暴力而不得不剪去。act 1, scene 2 of the play 这部戏的第二场第一幕episode a part of a story on the television or the radio, which is told in separate parts 〔电视剧或广播剧的〕一集I missed last week’s episode. 我错过了上周的那一集。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 17: the words and actions of a particular character in a play or filmverbsplay a partShe plays the part of an ageing beauty queen.have a partHe had a small part in ‘Casino Royale’.take a part (=agree to play a part that you have been offered)When I was offered the part of the prince, I decided to take it.get a partI was thrilled when I was told I’d got the part.give somebody a partWhy did they give Sinatra the part?land a part (=be given a part)He landed a part in a cop show.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + parta big partShe felt the studio hadn’t given her enough big parts.a good partEvery time we do a play, the boys get all the good parts.a small partToby had a small part in the film.the lead/leading part (=the most important part)Taking the lead part of Annie will be 11-year-old Zoe Jones.a speaking part (=one in which you have some words to say)I had hoped to be given a speaking part.a walk-on part (=a small part in which you do not have any words to say)She had had walk-on parts in a couple of soap operas.Examples from the Corpuspart• Part of the research program involved interviewing teenagers in inner-city areas.• Part One ends with the death of the hero's father.• I'll sing the bass part if you want.• She spent the early part of her life in Barcelona.• I've finished the first part of my thesis.• Sentimental attachment to some geographic part of the world is not part of the system.• Organizing the party was easy, the hardest part was getting my parents to agree to it.• Morales' murder is part of a wave of killings since Figueroa took office.• Most have a core of solid businesses that ensure that at least parts of the firm are making serious money.• Gradually you should be able to phase out the tangible reinforcers when tantrums are no longer a major part of her repertoire.• Malaria is still common in many parts of Africa.• And if later some one disposes of a record in some other way no part of the royalty can be recovered.• Mix one part milk with two parts flour and stir.• The director has given us until tomorrow to learn our parts.• All our replacement parts are guaranteed, if you have your car serviced with us each year.• Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice', adapted for radio in six parts• A quarter of all 16-18 year olds are now taking part in these schemes.• Check inside the box to see if all the parts are there.• Did you understand the part about switching the modem speed?• The part of Cyrano was played by Gerard Depardieu.• But people in these parts name their children after their favorite stock-car racer, and they're proud to tell you so.• Where does this part go?• When you have filled in the form, keep the top part and send the other part to the bank.• Isetan, however, said the filing was part of a dispute over control of real estate in three key markets.• What part of Russia are you from?• Which part of your job do you enjoy most?• This is the widest part of the river.part of• Part of the money will be spent on a new playground.• Do you enjoy working as part of a team?• It's the lower part of my back that hurts most.• Which part of town do you live in?spare parts• When selecting equipment to buy, one should make sure that servicing facilities are good and spare parts are quickly obtainable.• Like all representatives, his garage acts as a warehouse for samples and spare parts.• Ian MacDonald and he had stripped down the old wreck and searched junk yards for spare parts.• No sound had emerged from it for six months: spare parts were hard to get, Dynmouth Hi-Fi Boutique informed him.• Operators can obtain spare parts locally, and mechanics need no special training.• These exceptions are significant for manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts.• Of the 88 locomotives on the Malha Oeste line, 35 are out of commission awaiting repairs or spare parts.• It was very evident that there were no supplies or spare parts available.take the part of• On one occasion, a socialist game was played, in which players took the parts of rich and poor countries.• Garvey was to take the part of Balaam, and Lucie his donkey.• You take the part of Tiki working your way through five different locations in search of your kidnapped chums.part ... to ... parts• Alternatively, you can use a mix of one part cement to five parts ballast.• The new mortar should be mixed at one part cement to four parts sand.Related topics: Hair & beautypart2 ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive] writtenSEPARATE to move the two sides of something apart, or to move apart, making a space in the middle (使)分开,(使)分离 When he parted the curtains, the sunlight flooded into the room. 他拉开窗帘,阳光洒进屋内。 The crowd parted to let him through. 人群分开让他通过。 Ralph’s lips parted in a delighted smile. 拉尔夫咧嘴开心地笑了。2  [intransitive] writtenSEPARATE to separate from someone, or end a relationship with them 分手,断绝关系 They parted on amicable terms. 他们友好地分手了。part from He has parted from his wife. 他和妻子分居了。3  be parted (from somebody) to be prevented from being with someone 和(某人)分离 They were hardly ever parted in 30 years of marriage. 结婚30年,他们几乎从没有分开过。 He hates being parted from the children. 他不愿和孩子们分离。4  part company (with somebody) a) SEPARATEto go in different directions after having gone in the same direction (和某人)分道而行 The two women parted company outside their rooms. 那两名女子在各自的房间外分手告别。 b) to end a relationship with someone (和某人)断绝关系 George parted company with the band in 1996. 乔治于1996年脱离了乐队。 c) DISAGREEto disagree with someone about something (和某人)意见不合,(和某人)有分歧 He parted company with Lloyd George over post-war diplomacy. 他和劳合·乔治在战后外交问题上意见不合。5. [transitive]DCB if you part your hair, you comb some of your hair in one direction and the rest in the other direction 〔用梳子〕给〔头发〕分缝6 part with something phrasal verb GIVEto give something to someone else, although you do not want to 〔不情愿地〕放弃〔某物〕,舍弃〔某物〕 I’m reluctant to part with any of the kittens, but we need the money. 我不愿舍弃任何一只小猫,但是我们需要钱。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspart• Then she kissed me to show me that we had to part.• She hoped that she and Jonathan would never part.• With a brief hug, they parted.• The crowd parted as Governor Langley walked to the stage.• Between the pathologists and police communication was intermittent, for they were parted by more than space.• Jen's black hair was parted down the middle.• A few minutes later she parted from him and, weathering a few pleasant glances, went back to her office.• He lay back and she stretched her body over his, leaning to his mouth and parting his lips with her tongue.• They parted in a fairly amicable way.• Sharon and I parted on friendly terms.• She parted the branches with her hands as she moved further into the forest.• Joe parted the curtains and the sunlight came flooding in.• Very gently, he parted the front of her robe.• They knocked against linked bodies, which parted to let them pass.part3 adverb  1  part sth, part somethingpart something part sth PARTLYif something is part one thing, part another, it consists of both of those things 部分是某物,部分是某物;既有某物,又有某物 The exams are part written, part practical. 这次考试既有笔试,又考实际操作。 The room is part sitting room, part bedroom. 这个房间既是起居室,又是卧室。2  not completely 不完全地,部分地 SYN partly The project is part funded by the council. 这个项目部分由地方议会出资。 The object was part hidden by the grass. 那东西半掩在草丛中。Examples from the Corpuspart• The refusal seems part economic, part philosophic.• Taking a cooking bowl from the side he part filled it from the water jar and set it down on the ring.• In a book that is part memoir and part sociological study, Wolf writes about the agonizing job girls face becoming women.part4 adjective  1  part payment PARTpayment of only a part of something, not all of it 部分付款 I gave them £10 in part payment. 我先付了他们10英镑。2. part owner someone who is one of the people who own something 共有人From Longman Business Dictionarypartpart /pɑːtpɑːrt/ noun1[countable, uncountable] a piece of something such as an object, area, or grouppart ofHe will have to repay part of the money.An important part of the trend towards globalisation is the growth of multinational enterprises.2[countable] one of the separate pieces that a machine, vehicle etc is made ofSYN COMPONENTDemand for replacement parts is increasing as consumers repair aging cars.a supplier of engines, equipment, and spare parts (=parts used to replace original parts that are broken) for commercial aircraft3[uncountable] some but not all of a particular thing or group of thingsOnly part of the company is being sold.Origin part1 (1200-1300) Old French Latin pars part2 (1200-1300) Old French partir, from Latin partire “to divide”, from pars; → PART1part1 noun →10-19 →20-30 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2 →THESAURUS1part2 verbpart3 adverbpart4 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  such a as feature or of Corpus an piece object, something Business




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