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单词 parenthetical
释义  Related topics: Literaturepar·en·thet·i·cal /ˌpærənˈθetɪkəl◂/ (also parenthetic /-ˈθetɪk◂/) adjective formal  ALADDsaid or written while you are talking or writing about something else in order to explain something or add information 补充性质的,附带说明的 parenthetical references to his childhood 关于他童年时期的补充说明 —parenthetically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusparenthetical• The help given by the police department is briefly acknowledged in a parenthetical comment.• For example, Dickens is fond of parenthetical constructions which allow the generalizing authorial voice to interrupt the narrative flow.• To avoid interrupting the flow of the main text, occasional bits of parenthetical material appear as footnotes.par·en·thet·i·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  talking Corpus said are you or written while




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