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单词 parch
释义  Related topics: Natureparch /pɑːtʃ $ pɑːrtʃ/ verb [transitive]  HBPDNif the sun or wind parches something, it makes it very dry 晒[吹]干;使极干燥→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusparch• Between the mounds the soil was parched.• Her feet ached, her mouth was parched.• Suddenly the South Lawn no longer looked stately and green, just hot and parched.• Do the rays of the west sun parch a certain spot?• Lack of rain has left acres and acres of parched fields.• It seemed to parch his mouth as he gulped it down.• My limbs fail, my mouth is parched, my hair is standing on end.• His mouth was parched with expectation and from the whisky of the night before.parch verbChinese  something, sun if the or parches wind Corpus




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