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单词 parachute
释义  Related topics: Airpar·a·chute1 /ˈpærəʃuːt/ ●○○ noun [countable]   TTAa piece of equipment fastened to the back of people who jump out of planes, which makes them fall slowly and safely to the ground 降落伞 a parachute jump 跳伞 →4  See picture of 见图 AERIAL 1Examples from the Corpusparachute• Make a rough sketch of a parachute on the board.• Earth arrival is accomplished by aerocapture, followed by descent of the sample container under a parachute.• The children join gleefully in the Frisbee-throwing, football and parachute games, and demand piggy backs from the adults.• Ford, who weighed about 170 pounds, used a 135-square-foot parachute.• It shows this air crew just as he baled out of the aircraft less his parachute harness which he had abandoned on landing.• Jack fell for Polly like a man with no parachute.• During the usual paramilitary, parachute, and security training it emerged that she was an admirable shot.• Put the word parachute on the board, as well as other key words in the students' comments.Related topics: Airparachute2 verb  1  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]TTA to jump from a plane using a parachute 跳伞parachute into They parachuted into Vietnam in 1968. 1968 年,他们跳伞降落到越南境内。2  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]TTA to drop something from a plane with a parachute 〔用降落伞〕空投parachute something to/into something Supplies have been parachuted into the area. 补给品被空投到该地区。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusparachute• It is built into the structure of some sports, such as skiing, parachuting, and flying.• She stood and her skirt parachuted back into position.• Long before the sport was given a name, people were parachuting from tall objects.• But the ability of a Steve Forbes to parachute into that field shows a vacuum there.• The rockets fire for two minutes at launch before they are jettisoned from the shuttle to parachute into the sea.• He hoped that the rear gunner had been able to parachute to safety.• Thus when the glider is launched it takes a second cable and parachute up with it.• And he has failed to develop a mature political persona since he parachuted with fanfare into the national arena last autumn.From Longman Business Dictionaryparachuteparachute2 verb [intransitive] informalHUMAN RESOURCES if someone parachutes or is parachuted into a job, they are brought in from outside the organization and may not have much preparation or experienceparachute intoMr. Iger needed all the help he could get when he parachuted into the job.→ See Verb tableOrigin parachute1 (1700-1800) French para- (as in parasol) + chute “fall”par·a·chute1 nounparachute2 verbChineseSyllable  equipment of Business back the to fastened a Corpus piece




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