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单词 palpable
释义  pal·pa·ble /ˈpælpəbəl/ adjective formal  1  OBVIOUSa feeling that is palpable is so strong that other people notice it and can feel it around them 明显的,显而易见的 OPP impalpable There was a palpable sense of relief among the crowd. 众人显然都感到如释重负。2  [only before noun] complete 完全的,彻底的 What he said is palpable nonsense. 他完全是胡说八道。 —palpably adverb This was palpably untrue. 这显然不是真的。Examples from the Corpuspalpable• His frustration was palpable.• For outsiders the cultural energy of the city is palpable.• He achieved it, and the relief was palpable.• Such palpable absurdities have continued for some 20 years, despite the partial and cautious liberalisation of the past three or four.• Tension in the city was as palpable as the dust in the air• Decades later, its winning vocal harmonies and spirited musical style still has a palpable impact.• To talk of dawn raids in the circumstances is palpable nonsense.• Alan Keyes, an opponent of abortion, shows more palpable signs of support in Iowa than in New Hampshire.Origin palpable (1300-1400) Late Latin palpabilis, from Latin palpare “to touch gently”pal·pa·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  so a is strong feeling that is that palpable Corpus




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