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单词 painfully
释义 Word family  noun pain adjective pained painful ≠ painless verb pain adverb painfully ≠ painlessly  pain·ful·ly /ˈpeɪnfəli/ ●○○ adverb  1  very – used to emphasize a bad or harmful quality that someone or something has 非常地〔用于强调不好或有害的特性〕 painfully thin arms 极其纤细的手臂 As a teenager, I was painfully shy. 我十几岁的时候非常害羞。 The road to peace is a painfully slow process. 和平之路是个很漫长的过程。 We are only too painfully aware of the damage his actions have caused. 我们非常清楚他的行为所造成的损害。painfully obvious/clear/evident/apparent It was painfully obvious he’d rather not see her again. 很显然,他不愿意再见到她。2  PAINHURT/CAUSE PAINwith pain or causing pain 疼痛地;(令人)痛苦地 Robyn swallowed painfully. 罗宾痛苦地吞咽着。3  DIFFICULTneeding a lot of effort 费力地,困难地 all the knowledge that he had so painfully acquired 他艰难学到的所有知识Examples from the Corpuspainfully• She was making deep eye contact with me and a couple of her rings were digging into my fingers rather painfully.• Blacks, however, remain painfully aggrieved.• Finally he found his way painfully back to the house, and closed the door.• The smaller Chelonian whirled about and kicked him painfully in the ribs.• Her rings dug painfully into my fingers.• a painfully learned lesson• It was soon painfully obvious who the winner was in this contest.• She had resented Eline from the first moment and made her hate of Joe Harries painfully obvious.• Muriel watched her father die painfully of cancer.• In spite of this painfully slow start, today he is a millionaire.• Rebuilding the damaged bridge will be painfully slow.• Anorexics have a false idea of their own appearance, seeing themselves as fat even when they have become painfully thin.• At first, Andrews had found it painfully uncomfortable to play in public.painfully obvious/clear/evident/apparent• At Pontypool, the collision between a precise, scientific industry and a diffuse, unscientific local suspicion is painfully apparent.• She had resented Eline from the first moment and made her hate of Joe Harries painfully obvious.• Should the government reduce the actual frequency of tragedies, or should it simply make them less painfully obvious?• Sometimes the pitfalls in not looking at it from all these angles become painfully clear.• It is becoming painfully clear, however, that students at Stirling University can no longer afford to take their Association for granted.• It was soon painfully evident that the fears of the University Council regarding a minority plot to unseat them were justified.• This process makes the long-term costs of decisions painfully clear to the press and the public.• It was soon painfully obvious who the winner was in this contest.pain·ful·ly adverbChineseSyllable  to Corpus – a very emphasize bad used




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