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单词 pager
释义  Related topics: Communicationspag·er /ˈpeɪdʒə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  TCa small machine you can carry in your pocket that can receive signals from a telephone. It tells you when someone has sent you a message, or wants you to telephone them, for example by making a noise. 传呼机 SYN beeper, → pageExamples from the Corpuspager• SkyCorder, which looks like a pager, uses a pressure sensor to gather information and a microprocessor to compile the statistics.• Choice of pagers A paging system consists of a central control unit together with a pager for each employee.• The first, a sports pager service, was launched last October.• White-bead chains that held dosimeters, radiation-sensing devices resembling large telephone pagers, were looped around their necks.• As the vehicle moves into a new zone the information provided by the pager changes accordingly.• Less frequent travellers can have a transatlantic pager for £48 a week or £144 a month.• The range is as far as the one for your pager.From Longman Business Dictionarypagerpag‧er /ˈpeɪdʒə-ər/ noun [countable] a small device which makes a sharp sound to tell the person carrying it to contact someone by telephoneThe Japanese are developing pagers the size of credit cards.pag·er nounChineseSyllable  a Business machine can carry your small in you Corpus




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