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单词 owlish
释义  owl·ish /ˈaʊlɪʃ/ adjective  EXPRESSION ON somebody'S FACElooking like an owl and seeming serious and clever 像猫头鹰的;看上去严肃而聪明的 He was an owlish man, with little round glasses. 他戴着小小的圆眼镜,一副严肃而睿智的样子。 —owlishly adverbExamples from the Corpusowlish• Thomas is five or six years younger than his brother, knocking seventy; he's tall, lean and a bit owlish.• He opened an owlish eye and barked unconvincingly at us before yawning and going back to sleep.• a friendly fellow with owlish looksowl·ish adjectiveChineseSyllable  an like and looking serious owl Corpus seeming and clever




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