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单词 overwhelm
释义  Related topics: Militaryo·ver·whelm /ˌəʊvəˈwelm $ ˌoʊvər-/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  emotion 感情STRONG FEELING OR BELIEF if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly 〔感情上〕使〔某人〕感到不能自持,使不知所措be overwhelmed by something Harriet was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness. 哈丽雅特心中充满思乡之情,不能自已。be overwhelmed with something The children were overwhelmed with excitement. 孩子们激动万分。 Grief overwhelmed me. 我悲痛不已。n Grammar Overwhelm is often passive in this meaning.2  too much 太多DEAL WITH if work or a problem overwhelms someone, it is too much or too difficult to deal with 〔问题等〕使无法解决,使应接不暇,压垮be overwhelmed by something We were overwhelmed by the number of applications. 申请多得让我们应接不暇。be overwhelmed with something They would be overwhelmed with paperwork. 大量的文书工作将使他们疲于应付。n Grammar Overwhelm is usually passive in this meaning.3  surprise SB 使某人惊讶SURPRISED to surprise someone very much, so that they do not know how to react 使〔某人〕非常惊讶be overwhelmed by something I was completely overwhelmed by his generosity. 他的慷慨使我惊讶万分。 We were overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place. 那地方超大的面积让我们非常惊讶。nGrammar Overwhelm is usually passive in this meaning.4  defeat SB 击败某人PMBEAT/DEFEAT to defeat an army completely 彻底击败,击溃〔军队〕 In 1532 the Spaniards finally overwhelmed the armies of Peru. 1532年,西班牙人最终打垮了秘鲁军队。5. water 水 literaryALPOUR if water overwhelms an area of land, it covers it completely and suddenly 突然淹没〔某地〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoverwhelm• First, the needs in the poorest countries of the world are almost overwhelming..• I kissed Mr Vulcan: I was overwhelmed.• But they are overwhelmed by bureaucratic regulations and by their inordinately high case loads.• Sometimes a sense of deep frustration almost overwhelms her.• That weeping was his weeping; the grief that had overwhelmed him for so long.• Auto theft cases seem to be overwhelming local police.• The utilities' charts show that the overwhelming majority of air pollution in the region results from natural dust.• The House is expected to pass the measure by an overwhelming margin Wednesday.• Just thinking about it overwhelms me with its complexity.• Napoleon's army was strong enough to overwhelm nearly any potential enemy.• Most preparations overwhelm the flavor of good oysters.• With its greatly superior technology, the government forces completely overwhelmed the rebels.• The Lakers overwhelmed the Sonics by the third quarter.• If you laugh at all, it's only to stop the sadness overwhelming overwhelmed with something• But it may be difficult for some people to pretend when they are overwhelmed with anger.• When she was gone he was overwhelmed with grief and de creed that she should have the most magnificent of funerals.• When Alcyone learned what he was planning she was overwhelmed with grief and terror.• The receptionist there was busy; because of the ad, , she told me, she was overwhelmed with phone calls.• As soon as Helen had gone Edward was overwhelmed with self-contempt.• The market is overwhelmed with such bargains.• Bebe Hinds, branch chairman, was overwhelmed with the warm response of the public to the educational material given out.• Before long if we are not careful we shall be overwhelmed with things that are overwhelmed by something• Turning into the lane, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of plunging underwater.• But they are overwhelmed by bureaucratic regulations and by their inordinately high case loads.• I was overwhelmed by grief and revulsion such as I had never known before.• I flushed, swallowed hard, struggled to keep from crying, struggled not to be overwhelmed by my fear of falling.• Lewis was overwhelmed by reading this book.• When starting my pond, I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours with all sorts of pond plants.• A school-age child has trouble concentrating in the class-room because she is overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle.• When her child was born, Claire was overwhelmed by the strength of her maternal overwhelmed by something• Turning into the lane, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of plunging underwater.• But they are overwhelmed by bureaucratic regulations and by their inordinately high case loads.• I was overwhelmed by grief and revulsion such as I had never known before.• I flushed, swallowed hard, struggled to keep from crying, struggled not to be overwhelmed by my fear of falling.• Lewis was overwhelmed by reading this book.• When starting my pond, I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours with all sorts of pond plants.• A school-age child has trouble concentrating in the class-room because she is overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle.• When her child was born, Claire was overwhelmed by the strength of her maternal feelings.Origin overwhelm (1300-1400) whelm “to turn over, cover up” ((13-19 centuries))o·ver·whelm verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n GRAMMAR3LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  if emotion, feel is Corpus by someone overwhelmed an they




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