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单词 overturn
释义 Word family  noun turn upturn turning adjective upturned verb turn overturn  Related topics: Governmento·ver·turn /ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn $ ˌoʊvərˈtɜːrn/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]TURN if you overturn something, or if it overturns, it turns upside down or falls over on its side (使)翻倒,(使)倾覆;打翻 Leslie jumped to her feet, overturning her chair. 莱斯莉一跃而起,碰倒了椅子。 His car overturned, trapping him inside. 他的汽车发生侧翻,把他困在了里面。2  overturn a decision/verdict etc CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTto change a decision or result so that it becomes the opposite of what it was before 推翻决定/裁决等 His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal. 他的有罪裁决被上诉法院推翻了。3. [transitive]PMPG to suddenly remove a government from power, especially by using violence 〔尤指用暴力突然〕推翻,颠覆〔政府〕 SYN overthrow→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoverturn• Nurse jailed for hitting patient has conviction overturned.• One of the boats had overturned.• The execution ended a 14-year battle to have Bannister's death sentence overturned.• During the riots several cars were overturned and set on fire.• The truck had overturned, but the driver was not injured.• Wolf was found guilty of treason, but the conviction was overturned by Germany's highest court in 1995.• Cruz's house arrest and dismissal were overturned by the Supreme Court on Dec. 29, but he remained suspended from office.• Protestors overturned cars and set fire to them.• Fans roamed the streets, overturning cars with foreign license plates.• The wind was so strong that it overturned dustbins and wrecked fences.• In recent months, Milhoan has written lengthy rebuttals to senior Navy officials in hopes of overturning his dismissal.• The whole crew was drowned when their boat overturned in a storm.• Today's ruling overturns part of a lower court's decision on July 25.• In short, for every argument there was a counter argument, or a later discovery overturned the accepted wisdom.• A majority of those voting can overturn the actions of their own elected representatives.• An appeals court overturned the convictions in 1979.• The House of Lords overturned the decision.• Government rules prevent the use of that money to build council houses but Coun Munsey wants Mr Major to overturn those policies.o·ver·turn verbChineseSyllable  you if if or something, Corpus overturn




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