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单词 oversized
释义  o·ver·sized /ˌəʊvəˈsaɪzd◂ $ ˌoʊvər-/, oversize /-ˈsaɪz◂/ adjective  BIGbigger than usual or too big 大于一般的;太大的 an oversized jacket 太大的夹克Examples from the Corpusoversized• He sits in an oversized armchair in a huge reception room equipped with a state-of-the-art video wall.• I like urban gear-the oversized, baggy style of brands like Fubu.• The action will affect 107 schools but it is not clear how many have what the union regards as oversized classes.• They looked like oversized drinking straws, and this is exactly what they proved to be.• It sustains its leap with high-speed flapping of its oversized pectoral fins for distances of up to 100 metres.• I was required to stop this oversized teenager.• Petrocelli began his remarks with photographs of the victims in life and in death that were displayed on an oversized television screen.o·ver·sized adjectiveChineseSyllable  too Corpus than or big usual bigger




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