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单词 overbid
释义  Related topics: Trade, Cardso·ver·bid /ˌəʊvəˈbɪd $ ˌoʊvər-/ verb (past tense and past participle overbid, present participle overbidding)  1. [intransitive + for]BBT to offer too high a price for something, especially at an auction 〔尤指在拍卖中〕出价太高2. [intransitive, transitive]DGC to offer more than the value of your cards in a card game such as bridge 〔在桥牌等纸牌戏中〕叫牌超过(手上牌的实力)→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionaryoverbido‧ver‧bid1 /ˌəʊvəˈbɪdˌoʊvər-/ verb (past tense and past participle overbid, present participle overbidding) [intransitive]COMMERCE to offer too much for somethingoverbid forSeveral TV companies who may have overbid for licences are now in financial trouble.→ See Verb tableoverbido‧ver‧bid2 /ˈəʊvəbɪdˈoʊvər-/ noun [countable] an offer that is more than someone else offers, or that is too highan overbid of £5000o·ver·bid verbChineseSyllable   Corpus for price to too offer high Business a




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