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单词 organize
释义 Word family  noun organization ≠ disorganization reorganization organizer adjective organizational organized ≠ disorganized verb organize ≠ disorganize reorganize  Related topics: Labour relations, unionsor·gan·ize (also organise British English) /ˈɔːɡənaɪz $ ˈɔːr-/ ●●● S1 W2 verb  1  [transitive]ORGANIZE to make the necessary arrangements so that an activity can happen effectively 组织,筹划,安排〔活动〕 The course was organized by a training company. 这一课程是由一家培训公司组织的。 Students need to learn how to organize their work. 学生要学会如何安排好自己的学习。2  [transitive]ORGANIZE to manage a group of people who are doing something 组织,安排〔人员做某事〕 The lawyer helped to organize a group of parents who took action for their children. 这位律师帮助把一群为孩子而采取行动的家长组织起来。organize yourself The scientists need to organize themselves and work as a team. 这些科学家要组织起来,作为一个团队来工作。3  [transitive] to arrange something so that it is more ordered or happens in a more sensible way 管理,安排 He doesn’t need you to organize his life for him. 他不需要你来安排他的生活。 Organize yourself to arrive at places on time. 你要安排好时间,准时到达预定地点。4  [transitive] to arrange things in a particular order or pattern 排列,编组 We are learning about how genes are organized. 我们在了解基因是如何排列的。5  [intransitive, transitive]BEL to form a trade union or persuade people to join one 组织工会;使加入工会 The law gives workers the right to organize and bargain collectively. 法律赋予工人组织工会和集体谈判的权利。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusorganize• Residents of the city have organized a boycott of the fast-food chain.• The five were previously imprisoned from June until October 1990 for allegedly organizing a political party - all parties are prohibited.• In the first skit, a second-rate star is organizing a Wild West charity benefit.• The right to organize and direct the activities of others is built into the role of leader-manager.• Lawyers, politicians and environmentalists have called for such action at an international conference in London organized by Greenpeace.• A key skill is the ability to organize information effectively.• The paintings in the exhibition are organized into five sections.• The book is organized into three sections.• I agreed to help organize the company picnic.• I like the way you've organized the information in the report.• Some day we should sit down and organize the photos from the trip.• I've been asked to organize this year's Summer Carnival.• You need to organize your financial records and figure out exactly how much money you owe.• Organize your notes very carefully before giving a speech.• You might find that writing an outline will help you to organize your thoughts.organize yourself• She was totally unsuited to anything where she had to organize herself.• The 500,000 state farm workers would now be able to organize themselves as trading companies and rent the land as individuals.• Two years ago the firm decided to organize itself by markets instead.• They are not capable of organizing themselves in a directional, creative manner.• Eventually even the most Spirit-filled religion has to organize itself in some measure, and most ultimately do.• Memory, then, must organize itself in some way to accommodate more possible thoughts than it has room to store.• They had only to organize themselves to ensure justice.• Two of the many ways that cities organized themselves were to establish ruling councils and to issue coins.From Longman Business Dictionaryorganizeor‧gan‧ize /ˈɔːgənaɪzˈɔːr-/ (also organise British English) verb1[transitive] to plan and arrange an event or other activityPublishers, writers and booksellers are joining forces to organize alternative distribution networks.2[transitive] to arrange work, information, a group etc so that it works correctly and is usefulAccountants say that organizing paperwork first can reduce errors and cut the costs of tax preparation.a major change in the way banks are organized and regulated3[intransitive, transitive] American English to form a UNION (=an organization that protects workers’ rights) or to persuade people to join oneThe talk helped the union organize 2,300 clerical workers at the University of Illinois.The company had violated federal labor law by denying workers the right to organize.→ See Verb tableor·gan·ize verbChineseSyllable  make that arrangements can so to activity Corpus Business necessary an the




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