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单词 opposition
释义 Word family  noun opposition opposite adjective opposed ≠ unopposed opposing opposite verb oppose adverb opposite  op·po·si·tion /ˌɒpəˈzɪʃən $ ˌɑːp-/ ●●○ W3 noun  1  AGAINST/OPPOSE[uncountable] strong disagreement with, or protest against, something such as a plan, law, or system 反对;反抗,对抗opposition to There was a great deal of opposition to the war. 对这场战争反对的意见很多。opposition from They face opposition from local residents as well as from environmentalists. 他们遭到了当地居民以及环境保护主义者的反对。 He is confident in his ability to overcome all opposition with his personal charm. 他自信有能力以个人魅力来化解一切反对力量。 The proposals have aroused the opposition of teachers. 这些建议引起了教师们的反对。 Strong opposition resulted in rejection of the bill. 在强烈反对下这项议案遭到否决。 Plans to turn the site into a £600 million leisure complex have met with stiff opposition. 将该处改造成造价六亿英镑的综合性休闲大楼的计划遭到了激烈的反对。 Much public opposition to the new law remained. 公众对这项新法律仍存在普遍的反对情绪。 Workers found themselves in opposition to local interests. 工人们发现自己与当地人的利益存在冲突。2  the opposition PPGin some countries such as Britain, the main political party in Parliament that is not part of the government 反对党,在野党 the leader of the Opposition 反对党的领袖 the three main opposition parties 三个主要的反对党3  in opposition PPGin some countries such as Britain, a political party that is in opposition is in Parliament, but is not part of the government 〔政党〕在野的 The Socialists were elected to power after ten years in opposition. 社会党在野十年后当选执政。4  [countable, uncountable]AGAINST somebody IN A GAME the people who you are competing against 对手,竞争者,敌手 They played well against good opposition. 他们面对强敌打得很出色。n GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?• In this meaning, opposition is usually followed by a singular verb: The opposition was too strong for us.• In British English, you can also use a plural verb: The opposition were too strong for us.5  [countable, uncountable] formal when two things are completely opposite 对立,对抗,敌对opposition between the opposition between capitalism and socialism 资本主义和社会主义的对立n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesstrong opposition (=disagreement that someone feels strongly)The scheme has met with strong opposition from local people.fierce/intense/stiff opposition (=strong opposition)It is certain that there will be fierce opposition to the changes.violent/vehement opposition (=showing extremely strong angry feelings)The 2,000-strong congress met the violent opposition of left-wingers. There has been vehement opposition from the fishing industry.considerable opposition (=quite a lot of opposition)The development went ahead in spite of considerable opposition.growing/mounting opposition (=opposition that is increasing)There was growing opposition to the war.local oppositionIt took three years to overcome local opposition from environmentalists.widespread opposition (=opposition from many people or in many places)Journalists have reported widespread opposition to the regime.public oppositionPublic opposition has blocked the building of nuclear power stations.organized opposition (=protest that people express by working together in an organized way)The proposal was passed with no organized opposition.verbsface opposition (=experience opposition that has to be dealt with)The proposal faced opposition from road safety (with) opposition/run into opposition (=face opposition)A new tax would meet a lot of opposition.The Bill ran into opposition in the House of Lords.encounter opposition (=find that there is opposition)The police encountered little opposition, and restored order within the (your) oppositionParents expressed their opposition to the tests.overcome opposition (=deal with opposition so that it no longer exists)Nothing he said could overcome their opposition.arouse opposition/arouse the opposition of somebody (=make someone feel disagreement)A plan to build on farm land aroused local opposition.opposition comes from somebodyThe strongest opposition came from Republican voters.n THESAURUSopposition noun [uncountable] strong disagreement with or protest against somethingOpposition to the proposed scheme was widespread.The plan met with stiff opposition (=strong opposition).objection noun [countable] a reason you give for opposing an idea or planMy main objection is that it will cost too much money.A number of objections were raised.antagonism noun [uncountable] a strong feeling of opposition to something, or dislike for someone, which is shown in your behaviour, and has often existed for a long timehis own antagonism to any form of authorityThere is no antagonism towards tourists on the island.people’s antagonism to communismhostility noun [uncountable] angry remarks or behaviour that show someone opposes something very strongly, or dislikes someone very muchThe announcement was greeted with hostility from some employees.There is a certain amount of hostility towards the police among local people.antipathy noun [uncountable] formal a strong feeling of opposition and dislike for someone or somethinghis fundamental antipathy to capitalismHer long-standing antipathy to Herr Kohl was well-known.Darwin shared Lyell's antipathy to the idea that the same species could appear independently in different areas.Examples from the Corpusopposition• Opposition to the war grew rapidly.• The team won all their games against local opposition, but lost in the international competition.• The modern militant opposition forces who claim power in the name of the sacred are only replaying that scenario.• All but the extreme nationalist opposition is portrayed as traitorous.• Plans for the new stadium will no doubt face a lot of opposition.• Finding ways of soothing political opposition to the dumping of highly radioactive waste could prove more difficult than solving the scientific problems.• Seles had reached the semi-finals without really facing any serious opposition.• Despite strong opposition, the law was passed.• The strongest opposition is likely to come from supporters of nuclear power, which was cut sharply in the Clinton budget.• The Senate votes of confidence were boycotted by the opposition on the grounds that the legislative role of parliament was being restricted.• Anwar became a symbol for the opposition movement, and his wife, Wan Aziza Ismail, formed Keadilan.• In the last 17 games, the Red Wings have outscored the opposition 36-8.• In practice the opposition was the beneficiary of the parity reform.• But he deludes himself in thinking this reflects support for himself when, in fact, it reflects discomfort with the opposition.• The opposition fought hard, but had no chance of winning.• Thousands of people plan to gather on Sunday to express their opposition to the government's handling of the crisis.• Widespread opposition to the military government led to violence in the opposition to• In such contexts, the media have minimal opportunity to articulate views in opposition to government policy.• The board adopted its own measure, which will go on the March ballot in opposition to the Kuper initiative.• It does not arise from the old style but in opposition to it.• These urban comedies portrayed a new moral code in opposition to conventional morality.• Also relevant, however, is the manner in which leisure in our society is defined in opposition to work.• They are generally in opposition to white liberals, environmentalists and some gay and lesbian political powers.• And is rote learning necessarily in opposition to discovery learning?• By 1170 further negotiations with Pope Alexander, still in opposition to Frederick, had broken down.op·po·si·tion noun →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  protest something Corpus or strong against, with, disagreement




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