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单词 opposed
释义 Word family  noun opposition opposite adjective opposed ≠ unopposed opposing opposite verb oppose adverb opposite  op·posed /əˈpəʊzd $ əˈpoʊzd/ ●●○ adjective [not before noun]  1  be opposed to something to disagree with something such as a plan or system 反对某事物,不赞成某事物 Most of us are opposed to the death penalty. 我们大多数人都反对死刑。2  AGAINST/OPPOSEtwo ideas that are opposed to each other are completely different from each other 〔观点〕截然相反的,对立的 The principles of capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed (=completely opposite). 资本主义的原则与社会主义的原则截然相反。3  as opposed to something OPPOSITE/REVERSEused to compare two things and show that they are different from each other 与某事物相反,而非某事物 Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books. 学生们讨论观点,而不是单纯照搬课本。Examples from the Corpusopposed• Broadly, these tensions result from two diametrically opposed approaches to social research - positivism and naturalism.• Knowledge and experience are not opposed but related, and there is a profound spiritual logic in the relationship.• The movements did not so much drift apart as come to represent opposed interests.• But what are in one sense dramatically opposed kinds of relationship are in another simply alternative celebrations of masculinity.• As to the latter, the Jenkins and Diamond Reports took diametrically opposed positions.• A more fundamental problem is that the agency is being asked by Congress to do two diametrically opposed things.• They aim to make it possible for those opposed to remain in the Church and be able to operate.• They also say that they have discovered that this tends to produce two dramatically opposed views.diametrically opposed• He feels that his Christian beliefs and the principle of capitalism are diametrically opposed.• But it was not only different: the two were diametrically opposed.• The assumptions in the two systems are almost diametrically opposed.• Despite these views being diametrically opposed, both exist simultaneously in attitudes to retired people.• Therefore, introspection and self-observation are diametrically opposed in action and effect, and should never be confused one with another.• In essence, the founding giants of the computer industry were diametrically opposed in both platform and product.• It is clear that Guthrie and Linforth follow diametrically opposed methods and reach contradictory conclusions about the nature and existence of Orphism.• To begin with, he was diametrically opposed to the economic ideas advocated by Adam Smith.• A more recent image is diametrically opposed to this and emphasizes the affluence of later life.op·posed adjectiveChineseSyllable  something disagree with such a as to Corpus




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