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单词 opinion
释义  o·pin·ion /əˈpɪnjən/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]OPINION your ideas or beliefs about a particular subject 意见,看法,主张opinion of What’s your opinion of Cathy? 你对凯茜的看法如何?opinion on He asked his wife’s opinion on every important decision. 凡是重要的决定他都会征求妻子的意见。opinion about The two women had very different opinions about drugs. 这两位女性对毒品的态度截然不同。in my opinion (=used when giving your opinion) 在我看来 In my opinion, the law should be changed. 我认为,该法律应当修改。n Grammar ✗ Don’t say: on my opinion | according to my opinion → view1(1) RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say I think ... rather than my opinion is ... or in my opinion .... In questions, people usually ask what do you think? rather than what is your opinion? 在日常英语中,人们一般说I think...,而不说my opinion is...或in my opinion...。在问句中,人们一般说what do you think? 而不说what is your opinion?What do you think of Cathy? 你觉得凯茜这人怎么样?2  [countable]ADVISE judgment or advice from a professional person about something 专家意见,专业意见 When choosing an insurance policy it’s best to get an independent opinion. 选择保险时,最好听听专家的独立意见。 My doctor says I need an operation, but I’ve asked for a second opinion (=advice from a second doctor to make sure that the first advice is right). 我的医生说我需要开刀,不过我又征询了其他医生的意见。 They took the painting to get an expert opinion (=an opinion from someone who knows a lot). 他们把这幅画拿去征求专家的意见。3  have a high/low/good/bad etc opinion of somebody/something ADMIRECRITICIZEto think that someone or something is very good or very bad 对某人/某事物评价很高/很低/很好/很差等 They have a very high opinion of Paula’s work. 他们对葆拉的工作评价很高。4  be of the opinion (that) THINK/HAVE THE OPINION THATto think that something is true 认为…,主张… I was firmly of the opinion that we should not give Jackson any more money. 我坚决主张不要再给杰克逊钱了。 COLLOCATIONSverbshave/hold an opinion 持有某个观点Everyone seemed to have a different opinion. 似乎每个人都有不同的观点。nHe holds strong opinions on these issues.ask somebody (for) their opinion (also ask for somebody’s opinion) 询问某人的观点We asked people for their opinions about the Olympics. 我们询问了大家对奥运会的看法。nNobody asked my opinion.nIt’s a good idea to ask people for their opinions and suggestions.give/express an opinion (=say what your opinion is) 提出/表达观点He gave his opinion only when asked. 只有问他时他才会发表意见。voice/state an opinion written (=give your opinion, especially in a formal situation) 发表意见nShe has every right to voice her opinion.form an opinion (=gradually decide what your opinion is) 形成观点nOlson had not yet formed an opinion as to Mark’s reliability.adjectivesthe general opinion (=the opinion that most people have about something) 普遍看法,民意The general opinion seems to be that the government has made a mess of the war. 似乎大多数人都认为政府没有打好这场战争。popular/public opinion (=what ordinary people think about something) 流行的/大众的观点How much do newspapers influence popular opinion? 报纸对公众舆论有多大的影响?somebody’s personal opinion 某人的个人观点My personal opinion is that his first film was better. 我个人认为他的首部电影更好。strong opinions 坚定不移的观点People have strong opinions about this subject. 人们对该话题持有坚定不移的观点。phraseshave a difference of opinion (= two people disagree) 观点不同He and Luke had a difference of opinion. 他和卢克意见相左。something is a matter of opinion (=used to say that you disagree, or that people disagree about something) 某事各有各的看法‘He’s a very nice man.’ ‘That’s a matter of opinion, ’ thought Sam. “他这人很不错。”“各人自有看法吧。”萨姆心想。contrary to popular opinion (=in spite of what most people think) 与普遍看法相反Contrary to popular opinion, many cats dislike milk. 与大家以为的不同,许多猫并不喜欢喝牛奶。in my humble opinion (=used when giving your opinion, especially when you want to emphasize what you are about to say) 敝人以为〔尤用于强调将表达的意见〕In my humble opinion, he is the greatest sportsman Britain has produced. 窃以为,他是英国有史以来最伟大的运动员。keep your opinions to yourself (=not say what you really think) 不说出自己的观点nAs the youngest person there, I knew enough to keep my opinions to myself.opinion is divided as to/on/over something (=people have different opinions about it) 人们对某事物意见不一nOpinion was divided as to whether the program will work.everyone is entitled to their opinion (=used especially when politely disagreeing with what someone says) 每个人都可以有自己的观点〔尤用于礼貌地表达不同意见〕nOf course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I can't accept what he is saying. COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘say your opinion’. Say give your opinion or express your opinion. 不要说 ‘say your opinion’. 而要说 give your opinion 或 express your opinion.5Don’t say ‘according to my opinion’. Say in my opinion. 不要说 ‘according to my opinion’. 而要说 in my opinion.n THESAURUSopinion what you think about something or someonePeople didn’t usually ask his opinion about anything.She has rather a low opinion of young people.view your opinion about a serious or important issueShe has strong views about education.In my view, footballers are paid too much.point of view your opinion, especially when this is influenced by the situation you are inFrom a farmer’s point of view, foxes are a nuisance.It all depends on your point of view.position the official opinion of a government, political party, or someone in authorityThe prime minister has made his position perfectly clear.The party has changed its position on nuclear weapons.attitude your opinions and feelings about something or someone, especially when this shows in your behaviourMy parents and I have very different attitudes to life.It was his attitude to women that shocked me. school of thought an opinion that one group of people have about a subject, especially when this is different from that of another groupThere is one school of thought that says that coffee is addictive and is therefore a bad thing.There are two schools of thought on this.Examples from the Corpusopinion• Opinion seemed to be moving in favor of the president's accusers.• Opinions vary widely on this matter.• Please phone in with your comments and opinions.• They have very different opinions about religion.• an expert opinion• Yet at the same time he can not afford to ignore hardline opinion at home.• He acknowledged that he had no evidence to support his opinion.• He's entitled to his opinion, of course, but it does not give him the right to be offensive.• The difficulty is in knowing what local opinion really has to say on these matters.• Politicians generally have a low opinion of the press.• Medical opinion is divided as to the effectiveness of the new drug.• In 10 years of teaching, I have never been asked my opinion on any matter of policy.• In my opinion, most lawyers are overpaid.• Do you really want my opinion?• Many board members said they had no opinion on Goldman's proposal.• I just have a difference of opinion with Sen.• The only difference of opinion so far has been over boxing.• Although this conversation too has sequences of opinion and justification, it does not proceed in a linear fashion.• He might well have formed his own opinion but he knew that would not bear cross-examination at some later date.• The Lords can publicise matters and delay action for long enough to allow public opinion to make itself felt.• This is, in the opinion of the critics, their best record for years.• The coroner was of the opinion that the man had been dead for only 24 hours.• The rating a film gets reflects the opinions of our reviewers.• About 100 people showed up to express their opinions about the project.• There may be a complicated chain of cause and effect on which opinions will differ.• Their refusal to obey UN regulations had a major effect on world opinion• Process assessments compare the documented care with what is accepted as optimum practice based on current scientific nutrition knowledge and expert opinion.• For it to be expert opinion is invaluable.• Here is where the most important split of all divides expert opinion.• Which is what Mr Walker said last week, against the flood of expert opinion on what his vote would mean.• But now it sits scowling outside the conversation of humankind, offering expert opinion with a sneer.• These commissions have drawn on expert opinion from the social science community, and found evidence for both sides.• They are drafted by permanent government officials who are concerned to seek out expert opinion on the issues in question.• Or was he entitled to act solely on his own expert opinion?Origin opinion (1300-1400) French Latin opinioo·pin·ion noun →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  beliefs your Corpus about ideas a or




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