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单词 open-ended
释义  ˌopen-ˈended adjective  1  LIMITsomething that is open-ended does not have a definite answer or definite rules about how it must be done 无确定答案的;无限制的 an open-ended question 无确定答案的问题 These interviews are fairly open-ended. 这些采访相当自由随意。2  FREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANTwithout a particular ending time 无最终期限的,无时间限制的 an open-ended agreement 无最终期限的协议Examples from the Corpusopen-ended• The summit meeting was intended to be wide-ranging and open-ended.• The problem here is more open-ended.• This would contradict the open-ended accessibility that is the hallmark of unit trusts.• As well as practice exercises, students should be encouraged to do more open-ended activities.• The maintenance of bit-perfect records requires an open-ended commitment to periodic copying and checking.• We were given open-ended leads such as: Where does your answer fit in?• The optimists, endowed with faith in science, technology, and the free market, see open-ended possibilities for mankind.• Although this trigger, like other triggers, presents open-ended problematic situations, critical thinking does not occur spontaneously.• He didn't know how to reply to the open-ended question.• an open-ended run at the theater• Scrawly tunes, cloudy observations, open-ended sentiments ultimately leading to an unsatisfactory half-digested aftertaste.From Longman Business Dictionaryopen-endedˌopen-ˈended adjective if someone’s involvement in something is open-ended, it has no limit or endThe White House asked Congress for open-ended authority to cover the Pentagon’s costs.Our commitment to the project is totally open-ended, and we will pay all expenses.ˌopen-ˈended adjectiveChineseSyllable  something Corpus open-ended have Business not that does is




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