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单词 onrush
释义  on·rush /ˈɒnrʌʃ $ ˈɑːn-, ˈɒːn-/ noun [singular]  FORWARDa strong fast movement forward, or the sudden development of something 猛冲,急冲;猛然而来onrush of the first onrush of the epidemic 流行病的首次爆发 —onrushing adjective the onrushing tide 汹涌的潮水Examples from the Corpusonrush• One of the colliding plates crumples upwards and then grinds down, sliding beneath the onrush of the other.• But the onrush had only begun.• And how he smiled into the onrush.• Nothing was important but to give in again to the onrush of his mouth.• They caught it in their onrush.• How will Cairo cope with this onrush of humanity?onrush of• a sudden onrush of wateron·rush nounChineseSyllable  movement fast or a Corpus forward, strong the




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