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单词 only
释义  on·ly1 /ˈəʊnli $ ˈoʊn-/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  ONLYnot more than a particular number, age etc 仅仅,才 Naomi was only 17 when she got married. 娜奥米结婚时才17岁。 There are only a few cars on the island. 这个岛上只有几辆汽车。 It’s only eight o'clock. 才8点钟。2  ONLYused to say that something or someone is not very important, serious etc 只是,不过〔表示不重要、不严重等〕 It was only a joke. 这只是个玩笑。 It’s an interesting job, but it’s only temporary. 这工作很有意思,但只是临时性的。 They’re only small cuts, nothing life-threatening. 这些只不过是轻微的割伤,不会危及生命。3  ONLYnothing or no one except a particular person or thing 只限,只有 Only the president can authorize a nuclear attack. 只有总统才能授权发动核攻击。 We use only the best ingredients. 我们只选用最佳的食材。women/men/residents etc only The car park is for staff only. 这个停车场只限员工使用。4  ONLYused to say that something happens or is possible in one particular situation or place and no others, or for one particular reason 只有(在…的情况下才…) I’ll tell you, but only if you don’t tell anyone else. 我告诉你,但条件是你不告诉别人。 I ate the food, but only because I was starving. 我吃了这些食物,但只是因为我饿极了。 The transfer takes place only when the data is complete. 唯有当数据完整后才可以开始传输。5 GRAMMAR 语法• You can put a phrase or clause beginning with only first, to emphasize it. You put the subject after an auxiliary in the main clause. 可将only置于短语或从句前,表示强调,主句中的主语置于助动词后Only in London did I find a purpose in life.只有在伦敦我才找到了生活的目标。Only by changing themselves can organizations continue to succeed.机构只有自我变革才能继续成功。n GRAMMAR: Word order• Only usually comes between the subject and the main verb: I only saw two people.• Only usually comes between an auxiliary verb and a main verb: I can only see two people. • When you want to emphasize what you are saying, you sometimes use only at the beginning of a sentence, and put the auxiliary verb before the subject: Only later did I understand what she meant.Only by improving social and economic conditions can good health be achieved. 5  TIME/AT A PARTICULAR TIMEno earlier than a particular time 不早于,才,刚only yesterday/last week/recently ‘When did you email her?’ ‘Only yesterday.’ “你什么时候给她发电子邮件的?”“昨天刚发的。”only then did/would/could etc somebody do something (=at that moment and not before) 直到那时某人才/才会/才可以等做某事 Only then did she tell him about the attack. 直到那时她才把袭击的事告诉他。6  only just British English a) SHORT TIMEa very short time ago 才,刚刚 She’s only just got up. 她刚起来。 b) ALMOSTalmost not 差点没 SYN barely I only just finished my essay in time. 我差点来不及把文章写完。7  can only hope/wait etc used to say that it is not possible to do more than hope etc 只能希望/等待等 We can only hope it won’t rain on the day. 我们只能希望那天别下雨。8  I can only think/suppose/assume (that) spoken used when you are giving a reason for something, to say that you do not know something for certain but think that this is the only possible reason 我只能认为/假定/假设〔用于说明唯一可能的理由〕 I can only assume that it was a mistake. 我只能假设这是一个错误。9  I only wish/hope spokenHOPEWANT used to express a strong wish or hope 但愿/希望 ‘What’s happening?’ ‘I only wish I knew.’ “发生什么事?”“但愿我能知道。”10  if only spoken used to express a strong wish 但愿,如果…就好了 If only he’d call! 但愿他会来电话!11  you’ll only spokenBAD used to tell someone that what they want to do will have a bad effect 你只会〔用于告诉某人其所做的事只会带来坏结果〕 Don’t interfere – you’ll only make things worse. 别插手,你只会把事情搞得更糟。12  you only have to read/look at/listen to etc something spokenPROVE used to say that it is easy to know that something is true because you can see or hear things that prove it 你只要读一读/看一下/听一听等某事物〔用于表示要了解事实真相很容易〕 You only have to look at the statistics to see that things are getting worse. 你只要看一看统计数据就能知道情况在变糟。13  only to SURPRISEDDISAPPOINTEDused to say that someone did something, with a disappointing or surprising result 结果只是〔用于表示结果令人失望或感到意外〕 I arrived only to find that the others had already left. 我到了之后却发现别人都已走了。14  only too very 很,非常 Prices have risen sharply, as we know only too well. 我们都很清楚价格已经急剧上涨。 Mark was only too happy to agree with her. 马克完全赞同她。 → not only ... but (also) at not(4), → only have eyes for somebody at eye1(32), → for somebody’s eyes only at eye1(25)Examples from the Corpusonly• She was only 17 when she got married.• I got these four chairs for only $99.• The restrooms are for customers only.• She doesn't earn very much. She's only a cashier.• "Is it far?" "No, it's only a mile away."• This Jesuit was not only a profound preacher, but the founder of orphanages and improver of prison conditions.• Only Denny got all six answers right.• I only did it because I thought you wanted me to.• High impact aerobics is only for people who are extremely fit.• The bee orchid is a rare plant normally only found in Mediterranean climates.• It is a quality that comes not only from advisory, but from the organization of instruction as well.• I was only gone 15 minutes.• I only got here last night.• We only have a very small garden.• He says he'll come, but only if you promise not to tease him.• These flowers grow only in Hawaii.• Oh, come on. I was only joking.• She only married him for his money.• The manager is master only of his actions, not the outcomes of those actions.• Not only on deck, but on watch.• You only see what the movement needs.• He seemed to be smiling, but he might have been only squinting against the light.• Ms Walker said she only started stealing because her children were hungry.• Women only swimming sessions are held every Thursday.• Of 112 outfits, I had only the haziest recollection of red, pink and leopard-print.• In other words, only those agreeing with you are driven by moral belief or true conviction.• Becky was only three when she started to read.• You're only wearing a T-shirt. No wonder you're cold.women/men/residents etc only• The Parkins' house stood in a drive marked at the entrance with a notice restricting access to residents only.• There are other events for women only.• Brown Men only eat nuts, berries and apples, and use their bows and arrows to chase hunters away from innocent game.• Have you ever noticed how a tradition, specifically concerning men only, has changed since the end of the last war?• But it took many by surprise, those who still imagined that women only loved; whereas men lusted.• In particular the notion that nurse training is for the young and for women only must be dispelled; no mean task.• Their Mostly Men range with its distinctive packaging is a superb collection of men only products.• Two men only would advance to the semis.only when• Or should it be raised only when a family member needs a transplant?• Medical help is likely to be sought only when hypoglycaemia is severe and the patient is unconscious, agitated, or uncooperative.• It was only when I started to receive my magazine that I realised just how courageous the lifeboat crews are.• But it so chanced it was covered deep, and came to light only when I was here to see.• He challenges the orthodox view that elderly people turn to formal agencies for help only when informal support is absent or inadequate.• Size is a virtue only when it is combined with flexibility.• The terror ended only when the weary throng dissipated itself.• Got up only when they made the bed, a bed bath twice a week.only then did/would/could etc somebody do something• But as feelings of guilt suddenly swamped her, only then did Fabia appreciate how much she had been herself with Ven.• I confess that only then did I begin to appreciate the difficulties that Richard Montacune had faced.• For only then did it come to her that - she still hadn't done her interview!• And only then did they switch on the light.only2 ●●● S1 W1 adjective [only before noun]  1  used to say that there is one person, thing, or group in a particular situation and no others 唯一的,仅有的 I was the only woman there. 我是那里唯一的女性。 He is our only child. 他是我们唯一的孩子。 I was the only one who disagreed. 我是唯一的反对者。 Cutting costs is the only solution. 降低成本是唯一的解决办法。 She’s the only person for this job. 她是担任这项工作的唯一人选。2  the only thing/problem is ... spokenPROBLEM used when you are going to mention a problem or disadvantage 唯有一点是…/只有一个问题是…〔用于提出问题或缺点〕 I could take you. The only thing is Dan might need the car. 我可以送你去,唯一的问题是丹可能要用车。3. an only child CHILDa child who has no brothers or sisters 独生子[女] → the one and only at one4(2), → (only) time will tell at time1(36)Examples from the Corpusonly• Cloned mutated genes were fully sequenced to ensure that the only changes were those required.• The only clue had come in the late morning.• But it was not the only one.• Even so, my right hand is clenched into a fist, the only outward sign that I am afraid.• The only surprise was that the game finished with all 22 participants present.the only one• In the supermarket and the local shop they are, at present, the only one.• But prosecutors say Gomez is the only one charged with actually shooting into the vehicle.• He was the only one from the island out.• But that will, of course, is the only one that's valid.• The attache was the only one that was locked, and the only one that seemed to contain anything.• He was the only one to keep moving at the same speed.• Dana had to be shielded from Roman's anger, and she was the only one who could do that.• I think I am the only one who hasn't had to pay any fines for not missing a tournament.only3 ●○○ conjunction spoken  BUTused like ‘but’ to give the reason why something is not possible 只是,但是,可是 SYN except (that) I’d offer to help, only I’m really busy just now. 我是想帮你的,但眼下我实在很忙。Examples from the Corpusonly• I'd offer to help, only I'm kind of busy right now.Origin only2 Old English anlic, from an; → ONE3on·ly1 adverb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2only2 adjectiveonly3 conjunctionLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus more not etc than age particular a number,




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