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单词 online banking
释义  ˌonline ˈbanking (also Internet banking) noun [uncountable]  a service provided by banks so that people can find out information about their bank account, pay bills etc using the Internet 网上银行业务〔银行提供的一种网上服务,可供客户查询账户、支付账单等〕From Longman Business Dictionaryonline bankingˌonline ˈbanking (also electronic banking)BANKINGCOMPUTING a service provided by banks that allows people to pay money from one account to another, pay bills etc over the InternetWith electronic banking, consumers can pay credit card, utility and other bills and check their bank accounts using their PC. → bankingˌonline ˈbanking nounChineseSyllable  by Business so banks a people provided service out that can find




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