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单词 OK
释义  ldoce_759_zOK1, okay /ˌəʊ ˈkeɪ $ ˌoʊ-/ ●●● S1 interjection  1  YESused to show that you agree with something or give permission for someone to do something 行,可以〔用于表示同意某事或允许某人做某事〕 ‘Can I take the car today?’ ‘Okay.’ “今天我能用这辆车吗?”“行啊。” OK, if that’s what you prefer. 可以,如果你喜欢那样的话。2  used to ask someone if they agree with you or will give permission for you to do something 好吗,行吗〔用于征求别人的允许〕 I’ll see you at seven, OK? 我7点和你见面,好吗?3  START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCCONTINUE/START AGAINused when you start talking about something new, or when you pause before continuing 好(了)〔用于转换话题或停顿〕 OK, let’s move on to the next point. 好,我们来谈下一个问题吧。 Okay, any questions so far? 好了,到这里为止有什么问题吗?4  STOP something THAT IS HAPPENINGused to tell someone to stop arguing with you or criticizing you 好了,行了,得了〔用于叫别人不要再和你争吵或批评你〕 OK, OK, so I made a mistake. 好了,好了,算我弄错了。 Look, I’m doing my best, okay? 瞧,我正在尽力呢,行了吧?5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the CorpusOK• Just don't tell anyone, OK?• Look, I just can't walk any faster, OK?• OK, let's begin chapter six.• OK, now add the milk and eggs and then mix.OK2, okay ●●● S1 adjective, adverb spoken  1  [not before noun]GOOD ENOUGH if you are OK, you are not ill, injured, or unhappy 没病(的);安然无恙(的);没有不开心(的) SYN all right Are you OK? 你没事吧? Do you feel OK now? 现在你觉得好些了吧? Mum’s doing OK now. 妈妈现在不错。2  ACCEPT[not before noun] something that is OK is acceptable and will not cause any problems 可以(的),不错(的),可接受(的) SYN all right Will half past eight be OK? 8点半行不行? Does my hair look OK? 我的头发看上去行吗?that’s/it’s OK ‘Sorry I’m late.’ ‘That’s OK.’ “抱歉,我迟到了。”“没关系。” Is it OK if I leave my bags here? 我把包放在这里行吗? Yeah, the TV's working OK. 是的,电视机没问题。it is okay (for somebody) to do something It’s okay for you to go home now. 你现在可以回家了。it is okay with/by somebody I’ll pay you the rest tomorrow, if that’s OK with you. 如果你觉得可以,余下的钱我明天付给你。 RegisterPeople usually avoid OK or okay in writing, and use more formal words such as acceptable or satisfactory: 人们通常避免在书面语中使用OK或okay,而用更为正式的词,如acceptable或satisfactoryWe have to make sure that the quality is acceptable. 我们必须确保质量过硬 。3  [not before noun]GOOD/EXCELLENT satisfactory but not extremely good 不错的,还算满意的 ‘How was the film?’ ‘It was okay, but not brilliant.’ “电影怎么样?”“还算可以,但谈不上很好。” I think I did okay in the exam. 我觉得这次考试我考得还可以。4  someone who is OK is nice, pleasant etc 〔人〕和善的,友好的 I’ve met Jim once, and he seems OK. 我见过吉姆一次,他看起来人不错。 He’s an OK guy. 他这人不错。Examples from the CorpusOK• "I couldn't find the shampoo you wanted." "That's okay."• Are you OK?• Is your stomach OK?• The movie was OK, but the book was better.• Are these clothes OK for the opera?• an OK kind of guy• I figure that 110 pounds is an OK weight for me to be.• Dwight's OK. You can trust him.doing OK• Newsome had a bad start but ended up doing ok, I is okay with/by somebody• It's OK with me if we just stay home tonight.OK3, okay verb (past tense and past participle OK’d, present participle OK'ing, third person singular OK’s or okayed, okaying, okays) [transitive] informal  AGREELET/ALLOWto say officially that you will agree to something or allow it to happen 〔正式〕同意;批准,允许 The plans have been okayed, so let’s get started as soon as possible. 计划已经获得批准,所以我们尽快开始吧。→ See Verb tableExamples from the CorpusOK• Random drug testing has been OK'd for subway and bus drivers.OK4, okay noun  give (somebody) the OK/get the OK LET/ALLOW informal to give or get permission to do something 同意(某人)/获得批准 Did you get the OK from head office? 你得到总部的批准了吗?Examples from the CorpusOK• Locate the file you want to open every time you click this image and click OK.• Make your choice from the list and click OK.• Locate and select the file you wish to use and click OK.• Fife Symington, who gave his OK.• So the OK is given for Travis' team to sneak on to the airliner and defuse the situation.nOK! /əʊ ˈkeɪ/ trademark  na British magazine which publishes pictures and articles about famous peopleOK1 interjection →5 FREQUENCY1OK2 adjective →REGISTER1OK3 verbOK4 nounOK!LDOCE OnlineChinese  you to with something used that agree show Corpus




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