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单词 off-the-peg
释义  Related topics: Clothes, Business basicsˌoff-the-ˈpeg British English, off the rack American English adjective  DCCBBoff-the-peg clothes are made in standard sizes, not made especially to fit one person 〔衣服〕现成的,非订制的 → made-to-measure —off-the-peg, off the rack adverb It was only a cheap suit, bought off-the-peg. 这不过是一套便宜的西服,是买现成的。Examples from the Corpusoff-the-peg• Indycar racing offers the advantage of off-the-peg cars and engine packages.• The society is worried about traditional Victorian front doors being replaced with unsuitable off-the-peg doors.• For those who wanted peace of mind or enhanced consciousness there were several off-the-peg forms of Eastern mysticism.• Even the most expensive and well-cut suit took on the appearance of a cheap off-the-peg item from a Hong Kong department store.• So what did they make of these budget off-the-peg outfits which the rest of us wear every day?• Most plans are like off-the-peg suits, they fit everyone more or less and no one perfectly.• You can buy an off-the-peg timber frame house or discover how to design and build your own house of stone.From Longman Business Dictionaryoff-the-pegˌoff-the-ˈpeg British English, off-the-rack American English adjectiveCOMMERCE an off-the-peg arrangement, product etc is a standard one, rather than one designed for a particular person, situation etcWith travel insurance, you can get an off-the-peg policy for a single trip, or one tailor-made for the places you are likely to visit during a whole year. → compare tailor-madeˌoff-the-ˈpeg adjectiveChineseSyllable  in made sizes, to not clothes off-the-peg standard are Business especially made Corpus




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