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单词 bassist
释义  Related topics: Musicbas·sist /ˈbeɪsɪst/ noun [countable]  APMsomeone who plays a bass guitar or a double bass 低音吉他手;低音提琴手Examples from the Corpusbassist• By another stroke - nay, complete coronary - of fortune, Hugo's bro Jebb was a bassist.• Ladd, a Boston-based bassist / poet / producer, never lets the music out of his hands.• She did considerable freelance work while establishing her trio, eventually playing regularly with drummer Steve Davis and several excellent bassists.• His favourite bassists include Ray Brown, Paul Chambers.• Jerry Lee still found time to criticise the bassist from his own backing band but was now in classic form.• Anderson proves himself a fascinating and adventurous composer as well as a virtuoso bassist in this superlative album.bas·sist nounChineseSyllable  who Corpus a plays guitar someone bass or




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