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- Gas, coal, oil-topic colliery
- Gas, coal, oil-topic crude
- Gas, coal, oil-topic crude
- Gas, coal, oil-topic drill
- Gas, coal, oil-topic drill
- Gas, coal, oil-topic drilling platform
- Gas, coal, oil-topic drilling platform
- Gas, coal, oil-topic flue
- Gas, coal, oil-topic flue
- Gas, coal, oil-topic fossil fuel
- Gas, coal, oil-topic fossil fuel
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gallery
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gallery
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gas
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gas
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gasholder
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gasholder
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gaslight
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gaslight
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gasman
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gasman
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gas meter
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gas meter
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gasometer
- Gas, coal, oil-topic gasometer
- Outwore
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- Landing net
- Sundried
- Phosphoryl
- Final examination
- Uncontrived
- In the control of
- Electromagnetic pulse
- Redbud
- 任敖者,故沛狱吏.》鉴赏
- 任教万分矜持,千分点检,里面无自然根本,仓卒之际、忽突之顷,本态自然露出。是以君子慎独。独中只有这个,发出来只是这个,何劳回护?何用支吾?
- 任教的离合词含义解释,任教的离合词用法
- 任昉
- 任昉《咏池边桃诗》咏桃花诗赏析
- 任昉《雨中花慢》原文与历代鉴赏评论
- 任是千变万化,千奇万异,毕竟落在平常处歇。
- 任是最愚拙人,必有一般可用,在善用之者耳。
- 任是权奸当国,也用几个好人做公道,也行几件好事收人心。继之者欲矫前人以自高,所用之人一切罢去,所行之政一切更张。小人奉承以干进,又从而巧言附和,尽改良法而还弊规焉。这个念头为国为民乎?为自家乎?果曰为国为民,识见已自聋瞽。果为自家,此之举动,二帝三王之所不赦者也,更说什么事业?
- 任是深山更深处,也应无计避征徭
- 任是深山更深处,也应无计避征徭。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 任昱《【双调】沉醉东风·【双调】清江引·【双调】清江引》题解|注释|鉴赏
- 任晓璐《城市之间(外一篇)》散文鉴赏
- 任有七难,繁任要提纲挈领,宜综核之才。重任要审谋独断,宜镇静之才。急任要观变会通,宜明敏之才。密任要藏机相可,宜周慎之才。独任要担当执持,宜刚毅之才。兼任要任贤取善,宜博大之才。疑任要内明外朗,宜驾驭之才。天之生人,各有偏长,国家之用人,备用群长。然而投之所向辄不济事者,所用非所长,所长非所用也。
- 任杨《未选择的路》高中作文
- Choker句子
- Like the devil句子
- Residual oil句子
- Eulogist句子
- Direct financing句子
- AMA句子
- Malted句子
- Chockablock句子
- Sweat equity句子
- Malaysian句子
- Skimmer句子
- Cavernosa句子
- Trial order句子
- Hypothetic句子
- Compost heap句子