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单词 odds and ends
释义  ˌodds and ˈends (also odds and sods British English informal) noun [plural]  THINGsmall things of various kinds without much value 琐碎物品,零星杂物 He didn’t keep much in his desk – just a few odds and ends. 他书桌里没放多少东西,只是些零碎物品。Examples from the Corpusodds and ends• The orange conning tower sits abandoned on the dock amid odds and ends of superstructure.• Wycliffe had a little room where he kept his books and papers, his photographs and odds and ends he valued.• Cheerful little odds and ends arranged with flair can often make a room seem far more interesting than much grander collections.• Unlike him I have always found the little odds and ends Sellotaped to the front cover both interesting and useful.• It was only three minutes down the road, and Jim always had a storehouse of odds and ends.• It was a cupboard used by the cleaners that contained a number of other odds and ends.• He felt heavy, saturated, crammed with more or less repulsive odds and ends he neither wanted nor needed to know.• We packed just about everything, but probably left some odds and ends behind.ˌodds and ˈends nounChineseSyllable  without small value kinds things various Corpus of much




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