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单词 odd jobs
释义  ˌodd ˈjobs noun [plural]  small jobs of different types 杂活,零工 I’ve got a few odd jobs to do this weekend. 这个周末我有点杂活要干。Examples from the Corpusodd jobs• She was always ready to do odd jobs for anyone in need.• Guys I really have worked for, briefly, doing odd jobs.• Never use wicker chairs to stand on for odd jobs around the house.• Police say Avanesian got odd jobs, working to rebuild generators and alternators for auto-electrical shops in the area.• After his father died he did a lot of odd jobs, including shining shoes, boxing professionally and preaching.• She kept herself alive working odd jobs until she landed a position managing advertising accounts for a local magazine.ˌodd ˈjobs nounChineseSyllable  of different Corpus types jobs small




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