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单词 OD
释义  Related topics: Drug cultureOD /ˌəʊ ˈdiː $ ˌoʊ-/ verb (OD’d, OD'ing, OD’s) [intransitive] informal  1  MDD (overdose) to take too much of a drug so that it is dangerous 服药过量OD on He OD’d on sleeping tablets. 他服用了过量安眠药。2  TOO/TOO MUCHto see, hear, eat etc too much of something 沉溺于OD on children who OD on video games 沉迷于电子游戏的儿童 —OD noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the CorpusOD• Brody OD'd on a mixture of cocaine and heroin.OD on• "How did she die?" "She OD'd on heroin."Origin OD (1900-2000) overdoseOD verbChinese  a to so that drug much of take Corpus too




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