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单词 overprotective
释义  o·ver·pro·tec·tive /ˌəʊvəprəˈtektɪv◂ $ ˌoʊvər-/ adjective  PROTECTso anxious to protect someone from harm that you restrict their freedom 〔对某人〕过分保护的,溺爱的 overprotective parents 对子女过分保护的父母Examples from the Corpusoverprotective• My wife says I'm being overprotective, and that our daughter has grown into a responsible young woman.• I am not an overprotective fan.• a spoilt rich kid with an overprotective mother• All is well, I am sure - Richard of Gloucester is simply being overprotective of his nephews.o·ver·pro·tec·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  protect from so harm that to Corpus someone anxious




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